Release 19.04.11 [Beta]

- Updated all Payment and Refund logs to be consistent and display both the attempted amount and last 4 digits of the account.
- Add Payment Account will now allow you to switch back to the Credit Card tab.
- Add Payment Account will no longer always save new Payment Accounts as “Automatic”.
- Added Bank icon to the Add Payment Account Bank Account form and to the Make Payment wizard.
- Customer name will now automatically populate when adding a new Credit Card or Bank Account to their profile.
- When making a payment with a primary Bank Account we will no longer validate for non-existent expired dates.
- Custom amount box input in the Make Payment Wizard no longer displays unless the corresponding radio is selected.
- Errors now display properly on the Make Payment Wizard instead of just redirecting to the same page with no indication that an error actually occurred.
- Submitting a payment would sometimes pull the Amount Due when selecting Current Balance – we now pull the correct amount.
- Refunds will now display and log the actual refund amount instead of always showing the full amount.
- Resolved a memory issue that occurred while generating monthly invoices that would cause customers to not receive invoices.
- Minimum payment amounts were only loading for Credit Cards, we now load them and properly compare against both Credit Card and Bank Account payments.
- Add Payment Account address selection for Credit Cards will now include all states for a given country, instead of just including Service Areas that exist in the system.
- Zero dollar amounts will no longer sometimes show as negative in the transaction log.
Auto Parent/Child
- We now only check equipment if it is a supported Equipment Type (avoids checking equipment that doesn’t support this process).
- Updated the way we save SNMP information for Equipment to avoid issues where we couldn’t properly save the information at all.
- Equipment will now properly save Device Type default SNMP information when changing Device Types.
- Inventory deployed status can be changed again after its been assigned to a customer account.
- Updated address ranges with one IP to prevent MikroTik from erroneously removing them.
- Resolved issues with SCP backups to avoid attempting to backup from the wrong location.
- Updated comparison method to resolve some cases where recording data usage results with Preseem was inaccurate.
- Fixed a fringe case where Unimus wouldn’t properly retrieve backups.
Customer Overview
- Customer Event Logs on the Customer Overview that are truncated will now display the entirety of the log on hover.
- Updated customer portal settings Payment Delete terminology to clarify what its function is (Payment Account Deletion Permissions).
- Call logs will now be loaded by creation date instead of re-ordered based on the last updated timestamp.
Customer Portal
- Added last 4 digits to the PaymentAccount display when selecting which account to make a payment with.
- Customer portal overpay settings are no longer applied to a portal payment when the setting is not active.
- Saving non-numeric or decimal amounts for minimum credit card or bank account payment amounts will no longer incorrectly validate when trying to submit a custom payment amount.
Customer Tags
- Customer tags can now be edited after creation.
- Fixed a system error that would occur when attempting to switch services.
- Financial Dashboard recurring revenue chart can now be filtered to display by Month (Bar Graph) or by Day (Line Graph).
- Fixed the twilio log so it no longer loads inaccurate “duplicate” entries.
- Updated SendMassSMS to account for invalid phone numbers. Failures will now be logged instead of causing the entire SMS process to fail.
- Increased session expiration time to be 1 hour (up from 25 minutes). Some installations were causing sessions to expire and work to be lost due to the lower timeout.
- Removed several references that were trying to update legacy file structures as part of a legacy process.