
Powercode Release 24.06.18 [STABLE]


  • Updated the delinquent customer reconnection fee to be a service rather than a dollar amount.
  • Update address type to be the type of bill rather than other.
  • Resolve an issue with monthly discounts.
  • Resolved an issue where the guarantee bill would be transferred to an inactive guarantor.
  • Resolved an issue with e-check verification.
  • Resolved an issue with bank imports.
  • Updated NACHA ACH format.
  • Resolved an issue where returned checks were not turning customers delinquent.  #D-25
  • Resolved an issue with pre-pay months.


  • Added a cron to save the Saisei config automatically every six hours.
  • Added a config option under system config to allow Saisei Parent child to specifically be turned off.


  • Improved sync time of Mikrotik BMUs.
  • Added a default interface for Mikrotik BMUs configurable via the add/edit bmu page.


  • Added transfer ticket api endpoint.


  • Improved top navigation.
  • Added an option for a pinnable side navigation.
  • Resolved an issue that would result in the infrastructure overview being unresponsive.
  • Added an option for Towercoverage to add a multi map link that appears on the customer overview.
  • Added a DHCP log tab to the equipment details page.
  • Resoloved an issue with the job check-in timer not displaying properly.  #218


  • Resolved an issue with the incorrect files appearing at the top of a ticket.
  • Added the ability to create network matinence tickets.


  • Resolved an issue with the Tax Zone report.
  • Resolved an issue where the failed installed report would fail to load. #204
  • Include VOIP lines to monthly recurring on the financial dashboard. #D-44


  • Added provisioning support for Trango NIDs.

Network Monitoring

  • Added groups to sites.
  • Added Observium support
  • Added a public facing network status page based on the groups.
  • Fixed issues with graphs on the equipment overview.
  • Added DHCP log tab that pulls records if they are in the last 5 million lines of the vrmu dhcp log.


  • Added a webhook for when a ticket is added to a specifc group.


  • Created a new pulic facing page at :448/register.
  • Added customer groups to contracts to allow them to be filtered on the registration.
  • Services and Contracts will populate based on the service area (Customer Group).

Office 365

  • Added support for office 365 with inbound support account and outbound going email.

Star Solutions

  • Added BMU support for Star Solutions.


  • Resolved an issue that prevented unimus from functioning properly.
  • Resovled issues with Twilio integration.
  • Added BMU as a filter option for mass communication.
  • Resolved an issue where unordered lists would break contracts. #164
  • Resolved an issue with the customer search in the new task popup window. #180
  • Resolved an issues with searching support email blaklist. #181
  • Resolved an issue with pager duty repeat settings. #184
  • Resolved an issue with international VOIP numbers that lead with a zero. #186
  • Made the customer portal login page responsive. #187
  • Resolved an issue with Calix device types. #194
  • Added the export report button to completed jobs report. #195
  • Resolved an issue with late fee application. #196
  • Resolved an issue where the address range dropdown would be empty. #197
  • Resolved an issue with updating the external account ID from the API. #199
  • Add an option to re-apply contracts when editing a service. #200
  • Resolved issues with installer view job check-in timer. #202
  • Resolved an issue with webhooks. #207
  • Resolved an issue with drag on drop scheduling on mobile devices. #222
  • Resolved an issue with job notes becoming unreadable due to special characters. #160
  • Resolved an issue with contracts not displaying properly due to special characters. #212
  • Added sender email address under the customer portal contact us section to resolve issues with sending emails. #178
  • Resolve an issue with schedule live view display issue. #177
  • Referral discount has been added to the monthly services total. #192
  • Added the ability to make custom fields requried. #D-38
  • Resolved an issue with the repeated discount slider not functioning properly. #D–58
  • Added a loading notice to the map. #209
By |2024-06-19T13:15:28-05:002024 June 18th|Changelog, News|Comments Off on Powercode Release 24.06.18 [STABLE]

Powercode Release 20.09.17 [Beta]

Installer Mobile View

  • Resolved an issue where installer mobile view wouldn’t load properly.


  • Moved admin mode navigation permission to the group membership tab.


  • Resolved an issue where special characters in device type names would prevent saving equipment.


  • Resolved an issue where down accounts link woudn’t resolve.


  • Resolved an issue where the networks-> notifiers page wouldn’t load properly.
By |2020-09-17T15:50:55-05:002020 September 16th|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 20.09.17 [Beta]

Powercode 20.09.09 Release [Beta]


We have made some significant updates and improvements to v20! In addition to adding a sleek and stylish new interface we have moved the global menu to a left sidebar for content maximization on widescreen devices. Plus, we’ve introduced Work and Admin Mode into the menu to streamline users activities in Powercode. When the menu is set to Work Mode only the features relevant to the daily tasks of a user are displayed. When Admin Mode is selected then the settings or configs for that feature are displayed. All individual permissions settings remain the same. On upgrade, only the Owner or Admin permissions groups will have Admin Mode enabled. To enable it for other permissions groups select Admin Mode at the bottom of the menu, then Config, then Permissions, choose the permissions group to be edited, then from Admin Mode Permission select Allow. Another notable change is the Items global menu category has been removed and all links distributed under their relevant feature groups. 

We believe these changes will improve efficiency, lower training time and improve overall use of our solution by making navigation of our vast featureset more intuitive.

Add Customer Wizard

  • New redesigned add customer wizard!
  • New geographical address auto-fill functionality.
  • New address formatting suggestions / guidelines when geocoding.
  • New ability to auto-select tax zone based on address (or prompt to do so).
  • New configuration options to hide / show several customer-specific fields.
  • Fixed an issue where new accounts would sometimes not be created successfully and redirect to a blank page.
  • Resolved an issue where you couldn’t add Discover cards from the Add Customer Wizard.


  • New SSO / SAML authentication integration – this allows connecting to Google or other third party SSO applications to authenticate Admin Portal Users with Powercode.


  • New ability to delete or retry payments in the payment queue directly through the user interface.
  • Updated taxes to remove “Tax -” to allow them for use of percentage based fees and charges.
  • Resolved an issue where zero dollar tax amounts would show up on invoices (for any tax matrix that included a 0% charge).
  • Pending payments verification now only apply to BankAccount payments.
  • Updated ACH with linebreaks and fill name to properly reflect its NACHA format.
  • Updated the Payment Form to automatically select a custom if only 1 customer is found via name search.
  • Resolved an issue where Moneris refunds would not always complete successfully.
  • Resolved any remaining issues where CreditCard payments would be labelled as “other” in the Account Class Report.
  • Fixed an issue in which attempting to pay whole number amounts would sometimes result in an invalid amount error.
  • Re-added missing “#” character when submitting manual check payments.
  • Resolved an issue where FTP invoices would fail to send invoices to the configured location properly.


  • System performance and efficiency improvements of up to 300%.
  • New modern based theme / skin for Powercode.
  • New work / admin mode menu toggle (for limiting the clutter of the administrative side of Powercode).
  • New cache-busting core functionality on upgrades (to avoid having to clear it after certain upgrades).
  • New (truly) global dark theme.
  • New charts styling, giving it a “cool blue” feel.
  • New default error handing page (telling you something when wrong when it did).
  • Added logging to system email changes (for better transparency in audits).
  • Updated logging mechanisms for emails and various outbound requests to be more verbose.
  • Resolved some issue with tooltips not display properly or breaking at odd points.
  • Fixed some features from not enabling / disabling properly.


  • New custom fields for inventory!
  • Fixed an issue where deleted inventory would be included in the MSL email report.


  • New feature added to be able to track time spent on tickets.
  • New ability to specify whether incoming tickets should be marked as customer view-able or not.
  • Added new log entry when removing watchers from a ticket.
  • Watchers added to a ticket will now display their human readable Username instead of ID.
  • Resolved any remaining issues where ticket bodies or messages would come through as empty or blank.
  • Resolved an issue where Server+ tickets wouldn’t be assigned to the appropriate group.


  • New ability to specify a custom port to communicate with for MikroTik routers.
  • Resolved an issue where relay settings would not save properly.

Powercode VMU

  • New feature Option 82 support in conjunction with the Powercode VMU (Firmware v0.5.3).

Complete Map

  • Re-added the ability to hide or show network sites and links.
  • Re-skinned popups for network sites and customers.
  • Updated network links on the Complete Map to display even if monitoring is disabled (will display a grey neutral link between sites).

Elevation Profile

  • New ability to display active customers on the elevation profile map.

Customer Overview

  • New ability to view used data out of total monthly allowed megabytes on the Customer Overview.
  • Added missing permissions checks for Tasks in the customer overview.
  • Added ticket type selection when creating new tickets from the Customer Overview.
  • Fixed an issue where adding a new service to a customer account would not properly queue the associated contract.
  • Fixed an issue where adding a VoIP service would redirect to a blank page when adding them to a customer account.
  • Show Tel Link option will now properly show or hide the telephone link on the Contact Overview page as well.
  • Updated the Customer Portal to not display “Jan 1970” as a due date if no invoices had been created for an account.
  • Fixed some issues with image thumbnails that would not display properly.


  • Updating device types for Equipment now also automatically updates their corresponding SNMP information.
  • Resolved an issue where saving equipment with blank unique custom fields would prevent you from saving as expected.
  • Non-numeric results will no longer skew Equipment Probe graphs and will no longer graph those values or include them in probe average calculations.
  • Resolved an issue where parent child links would display green even if their status is unknown (it will now display the unknown grey).


  • New feature to allow the custom categorization of services on invoices (editable from the update services page).
  • Added the adjustments account class as a displayable line item on invoices.
  • Added dd/MM/YYYY as a formatting option for invoices.
  • Resolved an issue where invoices manually sent to customers would always send in English instead of their preferred locale.
  • Resolved an issue where initial account activation emails would not properly include their initial invoice if configured to do so.


  • New readContact API endpoint.
  • Added address fields to the createContact API endpoint.
  • Added ability to specify a Guarantor and externalAccountID when adding or updating a customer through the API.

Customer Portal

  • Added configuration option to allow or disallow the modification of customer details in the Customer Portal (phone number, address, etc).
  • Updated the Contract Redirection button on the Customer Overview to have more contrast.
  • Fixed an issue where the drop down toggles wouldn’t function properly on the Customer Portal configuration page.
  • Resolved an issue where prevent excess configuration wasn’t being checked for properly in the Customer Portal.

Custom Alerts

  • Updating the category now resets the subcategory selection list for Custom Alerts.

Network Sites

  • New custom fields for Network Sites – allowing the addition of custom input and data fields when viewing and editing network sites.
  • Updated sites to include “pending” when adding a new site.
  • Fixed an issue where the states would not update properly when changing countries when adding or editing a network site.
  • Added new permission and functionality to be able to delete a Network Site. Note: all equipment must be transferred off the site before it will allow you to do so.


  • Jobs that are already scheduled will now display properly when refreshing or re-loading schedule live view after creating a new job.
  • Resolved an issue with the prevent email notifications button when completing a job from functioning properly.
  • Fixed issues not being able to filter the pending jobs list in Schedule Live View in Safari browsers.
  • Fixed an issue where you could overlap time blocks for users.


  • Added “all” as an option for radius status selection to quickly allow selecting every status.
  • Added ability to set a Customer’s status with “PC_” as a Radius attribute.


  • Updated base Equipment search to automatically search for Customer Fields associated with Equipment.


  • New redesigned user Profile Page that includes global Powercode statistics, recent usage, and improved layout.
  • Optimized how web user profile icons were being loaded in the WebUsers list to avoid slow loading issues.

Google Calendar

  • Resolved an issue where one failed google calendar push event would prevent any subsequent calendar events from being updated – the subsequent events will now process as expected.

Installer Mobile View

  • Fixed some issues where icons would not display properly.
  • Removed some duplicate MAC address fields from displaying.

FCC Form 477

  • New VoIP data and export options added to the Form 477 report.


  • Resolved an issue where some multibrand customers would receive an email for each brand available in the system.

Track Your Truck

  • Resolved an issue where some multibrand customers would receive an email for each brand available in the system.


  • Updated TowerCoverage leads to properly honor Customer Wizard Defaults (these will now pull the proper default tax zone).


  • Fixed a bug where the upgrade page would not recognize 12:00 as midnight.


  • Resolved issues where you could not load the financial dashboard in Firefox.
  • Resolved an issue where the Twilio Event Log would not properly update the number of filtered records.
  • Resolved an issue where amounts would be graphed 1 day off in the Summarized Deposits report.


  • Added some follow up checks to resolve remaining issues with some types of CnMaestro pages not displaying properly.

Address Ranges

  • You can now export the address range list as expected.
By |2020-09-16T17:54:20-05:002020 September 11th|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode 20.09.09 Release [Beta]

Release 19.16.20 [Stable]


  • Fixed signature output on Contracts.

Schedule Live View

  • Resolved several issues where newly created jobs would disappear from the schedule.
  • Resolved an issue where editing a job that was not yet saved would send it to the workbench.
  • Optimized workbench items and saving schedules to boost Schedule Live View performance.
  • Resolved an issue where routes for installers would always start at the System Address.

Customer Overview

  • Resolved some issues where custom fields would not properly display inline with legacy values.

Installer Mobile View

  • Resolved an issue with the map defaulting to the wrong location.
  • Resolved an issue where icons would not properly display in the install mobile view


  • Resolved issues with the Account Class Report not properly identifying card types for new payments.


  • New ability to add custom rate multipliers values.
  • Game downloads is now nested under the “updates” groups.
  • Updated default rate multipliers to be in line with Saisei defaults.
  • Resolved issues where some rate multipliers would not properly convert before updating in Saisei.
By |2020-09-16T18:29:33-05:002020 May 4th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.16.20 [Stable]

Release 19.15.05 [Stable]

Our Powercode v19.15.05 release follows up our latest release and has our latest Google Maps integration! 19.15.05 includes our latest stable build for Google Maps, including mapping updates and performance enhancements for Schedule Live View, Complete Map, Elevation Profile, and much more! Detailed instructions on how to enable and set up Google Maps to work with Powercode can be found our our Knowledge Base. If there are any questions regarding the new release or Google Maps, please reach out and our Customer Experience Team will be happy to help!

Complete Map

  • Resolved undefined link statues from preventing the Complete Map from loading.
  • Resolved incorrect network site icons displaying (not properly reflecting down or warning equipment).
  • Replaced incorrect icon for pending network sites.
  • Resolved the complete map not loading a customer account correctly from the Edit Account page.

Schedule Live View

  • Removed all Points of Interest by default from the Schedule Live View map.


  • Fixed an issue preventing sending an SMS if the Primary Contact was not opted in.


  • Corrected a versioning issue that was preventing tasks from being added from the tasks overview page.


  • Resolved a limited issue where the address would not display properly on some invoices.
  • Corrected an issue in which some transactions would not properly log to the transaction log.
  • Removed the refund link for transactions in some cases where it was displaying for the incorrect transaction status.
By |2020-03-06T10:07:12-06:002020 March 6th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.15.05 [Stable]

Release 19.14.20 [Stable]

Our Powercode v19.14.20 release follows up our latest release and has our latest Google Maps integration! 19.14.20 includes our latest stable build for Google Maps, including mapping updates and performance enhancements for Schedule Live View, Complete Map, Elevation Profile, and much more! Detailed instructions on how to enable and set up Google Maps to work with Powercode can be found our our Knowledge Base. If there are any questions regarding the new release or Google Maps, please reach out and our Customer Experience Team will be happy to help!


  • Resolved an issue with eWAY card addition.

Completion Data

  • Resolved all remaining cases where job images would not properly display.


  • Fixed various inconsistencies with MAC validation and error handling.

Track Your Truck

  • Fixed a bug where Powercode would not properly display how long it had been since a truck moved.

System Changes

  • Forced cache reload on all maps and mapping features.
  • Resolved a localization issue that would prevent some invoices from being generated.
By |2020-02-21T16:28:55-06:002020 February 21st|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.14.20 [Stable]

Release 19.14.12 [Stable]

Our Powercode v19.14.12 release makes our newest Google Maps release available to every existing Powercode customer! 19.14.12 includes our latest stable build for Google Maps, including mapping updates and performance enhancements for Schedule Live View, Complete Map, Elevation Profile, and much more! Detailed instructions on how to enable and set up Google Maps to work with Powercode can be found our our Knowledge Base. If there are any questions regarding the new release or Google Maps, please reach out and our Customer Experience Team will be happy to help!

Release Highlights:

  • New Full Google Maps Integration
  • IPPay Automatic ECheck Reconciliation and Account Updater Support
  • CnMaestro v2 API Support
  • Added Slowed Services to Preseem
  • Established the ability to limit Equipment Status Change log items

Along with Google Maps, 19.14.12 also includes the following releases. Check them out to see everything we’ve been working on!


  • Updated core configuration to automatically redirect requests from http to https.


  • Resolved an issue that would disassociate some Inventory on edit when modifying a piece of Equipment.

Schedule Live View

  • Re-ordered how some resources are loaded to resolve any remaining issues with the schedule not loading crashing on initial load.


  • Fixed some issues with the Financial Dashboard not properly displaying in all browsers.


  • Resolved an issue where signature encoding was preventing from displaying contracts properly (also fixed in 19.08.30).
  • Fixed signature time from not properly displaying under Customer Files.

Customer Overview

  • Customer tags will no longer log of no changes have been made.


  • Deprecated ez Phone.
By |2020-03-11T12:12:27-05:002020 February 14th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.14.12 [Stable]

Release 19.13.28 [Beta]

Add Customer Wizard

  • Updated some directory configurations to ensure Custom HTML can be properly uploaded.


  • Updated backups to intelligently find the closest full backup when checking how many days to keep backups for. This should resolve any remaining issues with backups not being cleared out or removed as expected with day-specific configurations.


  • Fixed special characters in Account Names from preventing the addition of CreditCards or BankAccounts with IPPay.
  • CreditCards expiring in the current month will no longer trigger as having already expired.
  • Resolved several issues that would prevent SlowWhenOver from properly triggering.

CDR Imports

  • Resolved an issue preventing the Manual Import of CDR records.
  • Fixed a bug preventing properly saving some date formats for CDR Formats.

Customer Portal

  • Added constraints to prevent the Customer Portal logo from overlapping the Navigation Menu.
  • Added missing configuration for Warn on Overpay.
  • Fixed an issue where customers could add more than 1 automatic payment account on file.


  • Updated support for CnMaestro v2 API.
  • Added automatic update to refresh the uplink and downlink values (these update approximately every 5 minutes).
  • Fixed some incorrect calculations for bandwidth values.

Complete Map

  • Fixed Network Sites not displaying as “disabled” (these will now appear gray on the Complete Map).


  • Added validation to prevent adding a summary that is too long (64 characters).


  • Updates default MikroTik authentication to attempt SSL as a primary method of connection over the default non-ssl. (This needs to be enabled on the MikroTik Router: api-ssl).


  • Updated Inventory validation checks to prevent validating against non-values or our test mac address.
  • Fixed any missing links between Inventory and Equipment due to erroneous validation.
  • Fixed Inventory table export from not including the IMSI field.


  • Resolved issues where almost any tooltip would not properly display the correct text.
  • Added “French” translation as a new default language set for the Powercode Admin Portal.

Installer Mobile View

  • Resolved an issue preventing completion data from being viewed for jobs belonging to other installers.

Schedule Live View

  • Added loader to Schedule Live View to prevent function-breaking interactions before loading is complete.
  • Fixed jobs on initial drag from always snapping to the highest 5 minutes instead of the nearest 5 minutes.
  • Optimized how we geocode the default company address to cut down on unnecessary API calls.
  • Resolved an issue where systems with large amounts of Standby Items would take a long time to load.
  • Updated zoom to properly start further away when only 1 job existed on the schedule.
  • Fixed default location for Schedule Live View to center at the System Company Address.
  • Resolved a problem in which job notifiers would not be referenced properly and would crash.
  • Fixed not being able to close truck popups on the map.

Elevation Profile

  • Adjusted frequencies on the Elevation Profile to automatically update when selecting a new tower.

FCC Form 477

  • Removed Commercial MaxIn and MaxOut from the FCC Form 477 Deployment data report (per mandated reporting modifications).


  • Resolved a bug where removing parent from equipment would not properly refresh the page on completion.
  • Fixed a bug preventing Access Point specific details from being editable when modifying equipment (antenna type, down tilt, etc).

Network Sites

  • Removed duplicate “Notes” field from the Network Site form.


  • Removed some references to external font styles.
By |2020-01-28T18:02:43-06:002020 January 28th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.13.28 [Beta]

Release 19.12.05 [Beta]

With the 19.12.05 release, we are officially moving our new Google Maps integration out of Closed Beta! We are very excited with the possibilities (and future plans) that this new integration allows for us. To configure Google maps to work with your Powercode installation, you will need to set up and configure a Google API Key with the following API’s enabled. Once completed add your Google API Key to Configure > System Configuration > Maps.


  • Added ticket creating webhook when creating a ticket through the API. These are distinguished from the admin portal with the “OpenedFrom” field being “API”.
  • Adding a payment account will now only validate expiration dates for CreditCards.


  • Pro-rating service additions for services on guarantor accounts now logs the addition with the Customer Name instead of ID to match other log events.
  • Added check for VISAElectron cards to properly be labelled and processed.
  • Balances transferred from a guarantor account will now properly show up on invoices under “One-time charges”.
  • Fixed BankAccount tab not displaying for the admin portal when using ACH Processing.
  • Accounts with pending transactions can no longer be removed, and will alert you to how many pending transactions are tied to the account.

Customer Portal

  • Removed the ability for customers to add a second automatic payment account through the Portal.

Complete Map

  • Fixed issues with KML Overlays causing the Complete Map to crash.
  • Updated display for “View on Map” to show as expected.
  • Fixed a rare case in which “Show Customers on Pop” would not trigger properly.
  • Reverted changes to where the complete map would center on customers instead of network sites.


  • When modifying equipment, we resolved issues preventing saving or updating that equipment due to some unrelated validation.
  • Resolved some performance issues that affected some migrated systems surrounding the Equipment Log.
  • Equipment errors will now display the affected fields instead of a generic error message (this will help in narrowing down validation issues).
  • The network location filter on the equipment form will no longer account for inactive sites.


  • Added missing service add trigger event to resolve issues with new services not updating properly with MobiTv.


  • Added missing Maps configuration element to the menu (if it does not already exist).
  • Removed duplicate “help” navigation menu elements.
  • Re-ordered Completion Templates under the appropriate Items > Install category to ensure uniform menus.

Google Calendar

  • If we fail to push a calendar event, we will log to the System Event log the reason why.

Powercode BMU

  • Resolved issues where BMU backups originating from non-listed IPs would not properly be associated and retrieved (failed to retrieve backup issues).
  • Fixed a reboot issue that would not properly kick off a re-sync when a BMU restarts.


  • Resolved an issue where inventory errors would not display, and it would appear that an item save was successful even when it was not.


  • Re-added Twilio Dashboard report to the report dashboard for any systems in which this was missing.


  • Fixed a error with links in the Slack webhook integration that would point to an invalid URL.
By |2019-12-09T17:04:25-06:002019 December 5th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.12.05 [Beta]

Release 19.11.26 [Closed Beta]

Add Customer Wizard

  • Added the ability to set SMS Preference in the Add Customer Wizard.
  • Moved minimum security questions configuration from the System Configuration to the Add Customer Wizard.

Customer Overview

  • Fixed “View on Map” link to properly load customer location.
  • Resolved an issue preventing users to open the SMS page.
  • Re-applied a fix to prevent delinquency dates on the overview from displaying longer than expected.
  • Sending a customer email will continue to retain the “from” email address, as it did previously.

Complete Map

  • Updated initial load to only load minimal network information to boost initial load (customers will now load in the background).
  • Added loading overlay to the Complete Map.
  • Fixed filter on Tower Sites “Show Customers on Pop”.
  • Resolved issues where special characters in filter names would prevent those filters from properly applying.
  • Renamed “Reset” to “Clear” for filters.
  • Removed default “Active” and “Delinquent” statuses from the active filter list on page load (to be in-line with how it functioned previously).
  • Added missing truck data and location markers to the Complete Map.


  • Resolved a display mismatch between the limit on a ticket attachment and what you could actually upload (50M vs 100M).

Elevation Profile

  • Added automatic redrawing for the Elevation Profile when the tower frequency changes.

Schedule Live View

  • Fixed job work order downloads from Schedule Live View.
  • Fixed issues transferring items between the workbench and standby lists.
  • Fixed issues with jobs not updating properly.
  • Fixed an overlay issue where the time marker would display above the map.
  • Fixed new jobs scheduled through the Customer Overview not showing up in the workbench.
  • Fixed an issue preventing jobs from being able to be dragged onto the last installer for a day.
  • Re-added latest status to Trucks in Schedule Live view as an overlay.

Installer Mobile View

  • Updated the default installer mobile view location to default to the Company Address.


  • Resolved issues not associating manual credit card payments with their appropriate card type (visa, mastercard, etc).


  • Transferring equipment to a non-existent customer or network location will now present you with an error, instead of allowing you to do so.
  • Added increased security measures in place for issues in which networks with inconsistent network connectivity to their BMUs would report improperly and cause data spikes to occur.


  • Added missing “slowed” service speeds for Preseem – customers who have this feature enabled in Powercode will now properly see customer’s speeds slowed through Preseem.
  • Updated Preseem to resolve a situation in which a customer might still have equipment on their account, but do not have active service, and were still receiving service.


  • Resolved issues with logs improperly stacking file names.
By |2020-02-14T14:32:26-06:002019 November 21st|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.11.26 [Closed Beta]
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