
Release 19.06.26 [Stable]


  • Equipment updates will now automatically associate to the correct range when saving equipment if it is not provided.


  • Resolved a situation in which deleting a payment account would stall and become unresponsive.


  • If there is a permissions conflict when attempting to save the schedule, we will forward that error to the confirmation dialog.


  • Notifiers have been adjusted to prevent repetitive “Good” status notifications from being sent out.

Custom Fields

  • Resolved remaining edge cases in which custom fields wouldn’t display the proper saved value.
  • Empty values will no longer trigger validation as a “Duplicate”.


  • Fixed an issue with contracts in which the checksum comparison wasn’t returning the expected result and preventing the contract from being displayed.


  • Adjusted how we check for customers status to prevent pushing out plans that were not matched to the appropriate status.
By |2019-06-26T17:24:07-05:002019 June 26th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.06.26 [Stable]

Release 19.06.18 [Stable]


  • Down Infrastructure Equipment Webhook will no longer trigger for Customer Equipment.
  • Down Infrastructure / Customer Equipment Webhook will no longer trigger for a status change to “Bad”.
  • Added Webhook for Equipment Transfers, with an event of “Transfer”.

Customer Overview

  • Adjusted formatting for the Physical Address to correct the display.
  • Adding customers properly defaults to the System Default State again.
  • Call logs now wrap at the word instead of breaking up on individual characters.

Custom Information Fields

  • Resolved an issue where Powercode wouldn’t know which field to map to.
  • “Show X More” button wasn’t properly displaying additional fields, it will now display them as expected.
  • Powercode now properly determines which Custom Field values are truly unique.


  • Fixed a rare case where invoice batch generation in reports would fail.
  • Resolved an edge case where BankAccounts could not be added through the Customer Portal.
  • Updated VoIP to apply the correct Account Class during automatic billing.


  • Deleting equipment and assigning it back to a WebUser now properly validates.
  • Inventory selection when adding or updating Equipment will now exclude “Deleted” inventory.
  • Removing an ICMP probe if it was the last probe on equipment will no longer cause probes for that equipment to break.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing some notifiers from receiving the notification. All notifiers should now get a notification.
  • Equipment Transfers will properly register and they will push out updates to the BMU Queue without requiring manual action.
  • Reverted monitoring restriction to avoid some issues with IP comparisons when processing BMU Requests.
  • Fixed the “Location” display from overflowing on the Equipment Overview page.
  • Equipment will now retain IMSI data when transferring between ranges.


  • Financial Dashboard tooltip for Revenue by Payment Type will now always display as expected.
  • Tax Matrix Report now includes non-specific values in a category of “None”.


  • Resolved a bug that was preventing the adding of DID numbers to Customers.
  • Call Record prefixes will no longer improperly be labeled as “International”.


  • All non-active customers are now redirected through the MikroTik.
  • MikroTik will no longer erroneously select an alternate interface if set to ‘None’.
By |2019-06-19T14:43:15-05:002019 June 19th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.06.18 [Stable]

Release 19.06.06 [Beta]

Add Customer Wizard

  • Add Customer Wizard will now only validate against fields specified in configuration settings.
  • Duplicate checks will now return a full list of any matching accounts in Powercode.

Customer Overview

  • Address display will no longer show broken or cleared lines.
  • Custom select menus will now save and show values correctly.

Customer Portal

  • Adding / Removing payment accounts through the portal will no longer log twice.
  • Sign in text on the Customer Portal login page is now translated.


  • The financial dashboard now displays dollar amounts with commas instead of spaces.


  • Failed payments no longer falsly trigger accounts being set to active.
  • All guarantee custom charges will now properly apply to the guarantor.


  • Removing equipment will now require you to select which stock location it is at to avoid orphaned equipment on customer accounts.


  • Schedule overrides can now be configured to include minutes (to allow for 15, 30 minute increments).


  • Fixed some coloring conflicts with the Saisei graphs to improve their readability.
  • Resolved an issue where some updates would fail to push to Slave BMUs, causing them to go out of sync.


  • Resolved an issue where some ticket responses would be empty or blank.


  • Invalid phone numbers will no longer prevent pre-delinquency SMS from being sent out.


  • Fixed fping command error when attempting to ping through the widget.
  • Opt-in for Beta added to the Powercode Upgrade page (default on v19).
By |2019-06-19T14:32:46-05:002019 June 10th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.06.06 [Beta]

Release 19.05.21 [Beta]


  • End point updateEquipment will properly return the EquipmentID of an existing IP as originally expected.
  • End point updateCustomer now accepts ‘activation date’ (or 0) as billDay to set “Activation Day” as their Bill Day.
  • Contacts that are being updated will no longer re-hash passwords if they have not changed.


  • Updated the ACH Batch count in the System Event Log widget to display the correct amount of pending transactions (instead of displaying none at all).


  • You can no longer attempt to delete a contact if you don’t have the appropriate permissions. We won’t even pretend that it might work.

Customer Portal

  • Fixed an issue with Cvv validation that was preventing some customers from adding Credit Cards through the Customer Portal.

Custom Fields

  • Added default value option to custom fields on edit so that the default value does not reset.


  • System emails will now reference the correct MultiBrand Company when using the %%COMPANYNAME%% variable.


  • Resolved an incorrect link for transferring equipment.
  • Deleted inventory will no longer show as selectable in the equipment form.
  • Equipment Log csv export will now export all entries instead of only exporting the first 100 rows.


  • New “Whitelist” field when editing the Saisei BMU for pushing specific IPs or subnets to a whitelist plan in Saisei.


  • Updated schedule overrides so they don’t automatically increment end time on edit. Additionally, we disabled autofilling to avoid displaying the autofill box on top of the date select widget.


  • Updated core configuration to avoid some cases where gateway errors would occur.
  • Updated how we save file names to avoid cases where the file would not save to the correct location and could not be linked properly.


  • Removed some links that were trying to load a status change icon from the billing server in emails (now uses a universal character instead).
By |2019-05-23T15:44:22-05:002019 May 23rd|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.05.21 [Beta]

Release 19.05.10 [Beta]


  • Hosts that are unset in Saisei are now set into the default rate plan instead of the delinquent plan (by default).
  • Fixed several cases where Saisei customers would not be updated in Saisei.
  • Updated equipment parent selection to only update the parent if it is an exact match.
  • Updating infrastructure equipment will now properly update infrastructure leases as well.


  • MikroTik interface entries will now properly update when moving address ranges (to prevent orphaned data cases).


  • updateEquipment now returns the EquipmentID if it matches an existing piece of equipment.


  • Resolved a case where throughput graphs for probes wouldn’t load properly.
  • Fixed several issues with address range calculations that would prevent the range from being selected as expected.
  • Made automatically filtering address ranges an optional feature that can be enabled or disabled.


  • Resolved several issues that would prevent refunds from properly processing.

ACH Processing

  • Updated the way we process in-house ACH payments to resolve issues that were preventing the generation of ACH batches.
  • Fixed a bug that would disregard some ACH formatting settings.
  • Fixed an incorrect batch count display in the System Event Log widget.


  • Scheduled events will no longer prorate when scheduled for a Customer’s Billing Day (to prevent erroneous duplicate charges).
  • Resolved a case in which some legacy data would prevent Bank Payments from processing automatically as expected.
  • Updated CreditCard widget and adjusted it to correctly display the Customer name by default.
  • All CreditCard addition and modification logs will now consistently follow the same format.
  • BankAccount updates will no longer incorrectly be labeled as CreditCard updates.
  • Added in missing Customer Event Log when deleting a Payment Account.
  • Fixed various issues with the Add Customer Wizard Payment Account addition – you should now be able to fully add Payment Accounts when creating a new account (including the previously missing CVV field).


  • Payments Received report now lists all transactions even if the Payment Account used had been deleted (these will be denoted with a ‘Deleted’ entry in the report).
  • Editing a custom report will no longer occasionally close while selecting which inputs to modify.
  • Custom Reports will now save even if they don’t have a description.


  • Fixed a case where a service matching setting would prevent unique services from Ipifony from being billed in Powercode.


  • Powercode logo and beta branding have been added to the Navigation Bar.
  • Resolved a global issue that would prevent some Event Logs from properly reporting the user making the change.
By |2019-05-10T16:29:12-05:002019 May 10th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.05.10 [Beta]

Release 19.04.24 [Beta]


  • Updated the link in our API configuration to point to Powercode v19 Documentation.


  • Updated references for old ACH processing index to point to the appropriate URL.
  • Added ‘Name of Card’ to the Payments Received Report.
  • Fixed several pagers that were not displaying the appropriate amount of items in the table.
  • Limited transaction selection to prevent some transactions from displaying in the wrong section.
  • Resolved an issue where the Customer Usage Report would not load as expected.

Network Locations

  • Updated Network Location notes handling to avoid a case where you were unable to add a new Network Site.

Customer Overview

  • Fixed an issue where email event logs would be malformed.
  • Removed a deprecated reference that was preventing customer statuses from being updating while having ezPhone enabled.
  • Uploading customer files will now uniformly record the WebUser uploading, as well as more uniformly logging the changes being made.


  • Manually entering an IP in the Equipment Form will now filter which Address Range it should be in and selects it automatically if there is only 1.


  • Custom Charge dates will now properly save as a 24 hour format instead of the previous 12 hour format.
  • Payment Gateways that do not support BankAccounts will no longer display this as an option.
  • Payments will now properly re-activate accounts when submitting a payment through the admin portal.
  • Setting a Grace Period to 0 will no longer cause the default Grace Period to be reset incorrectly.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause pending or incomplete BankPayments to not be verified (or returned) properly.
  • Returned check event logs will properly record the TransactionID instead of previously recording the record ID.
  • Updated IPPay Payments to correctly label API payments when they are posted.

Payment Accounts

  • Corrected spelling when successfully switching a PaymentAccount to Automatic.
  • Added webhook trigger for deleted payment account to activate from the Admin Portal.

Make Payment

  • BankAccount icon will no longer display alongside the CreditCard widget when making a payment.
  • Fixed CreditCard expiration validation attempts failing on certain Payment Gateways.


  • Updating partial Unimus configurations no longer updates the entire category.


  • Resolved issues that were preventing the merge / mass status bar from displaying as expected.


  • Scheduling a network job is now limited to creating one job and will no longer create multiple jobs if submitted multiple times in a row.


  • Updated a database timeout restriction that was causing issues with large backups > 30G.
  • Updated our daily OUI build to generate values using the new file structure as expected.
  • Increased session expiration time to previous default of 8 hours (up from 1 hour).
By |2019-05-09T16:50:55-05:002019 April 24th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.04.24 [Beta]

Release 19.04.11 [Beta]


  • Updated all Payment and Refund logs to be consistent and display both the attempted amount and last 4 digits of the account.
  • Add Payment Account will now allow you to switch back to the Credit Card tab.
  • Add Payment Account will no longer always save new Payment Accounts as “Automatic”.
  • Added Bank icon to the Add Payment Account Bank Account form and to the Make Payment wizard.
  • Customer name will now automatically populate when adding a new Credit Card or Bank Account to their profile.
  • When making a payment with a primary Bank Account we will no longer validate for non-existent expired dates.
  • Custom amount box input in the Make Payment Wizard no longer displays unless the corresponding radio is selected.
  • Errors now display properly on the Make Payment Wizard instead of just redirecting to the same page with no indication that an error actually occurred.
  • Submitting a payment would sometimes pull the Amount Due when selecting Current Balance – we now pull the correct amount.
  • Refunds will now display and log the actual refund amount instead of always showing the full amount.
  • Resolved a memory issue that occurred while generating monthly invoices that would cause customers to not receive invoices.
  • Minimum payment amounts were only loading for Credit Cards, we now load them and properly compare against both Credit Card and Bank Account payments.
  • Add Payment Account address selection for Credit Cards will now include all states for a given country, instead of just including Service Areas that exist in the system.
  • Zero dollar amounts will no longer sometimes show as negative in the transaction log.

Auto Parent/Child

  • We now only check equipment if it is a supported Equipment Type (avoids checking equipment that doesn’t support this process).


  • Updated the way we save SNMP information for Equipment to avoid issues where we couldn’t properly save the information at all.
  • Equipment will now properly save Device Type default SNMP information when changing Device Types.


  • Inventory deployed status can be changed again after its been assigned to a customer account.


  • Updated address ranges with one IP to prevent MikroTik from erroneously removing them.


  • Resolved issues with SCP backups to avoid attempting to backup from the wrong location.


  • Updated comparison method to resolve some cases where recording data usage results with Preseem was inaccurate.


  • Fixed a fringe case where Unimus wouldn’t properly retrieve backups.

Customer Overview

  • Customer Event Logs on the Customer Overview that are truncated will now display the entirety of the log on hover.
  • Updated customer portal settings Payment Delete terminology to clarify what its function is (Payment Account Deletion Permissions).
  • Call logs will now be loaded by creation date instead of re-ordered based on the last updated timestamp.

Customer Portal

  • Added last 4 digits to the PaymentAccount display when selecting which account to make a payment with.
  • Customer portal overpay settings are no longer applied to a portal payment when the setting is not active.
  • Saving non-numeric or decimal amounts for minimum credit card or bank account payment amounts will no longer incorrectly validate when trying to submit a custom payment amount.

Customer Tags

  • Customer tags can now be edited after creation.


  • Fixed a system error that would occur when attempting to switch services.


  • Financial Dashboard recurring revenue chart can now be filtered to display by Month (Bar Graph) or by Day (Line Graph).


  • Fixed the twilio log so it no longer loads inaccurate “duplicate” entries.
  • Updated SendMassSMS to account for invalid phone numbers. Failures will now be logged instead of causing the entire SMS process to fail.


  • Increased session expiration time to be 1 hour (up from 25 minutes). Some installations were causing sessions to expire and work to be lost due to the lower timeout.
  • Removed several references that were trying to update legacy file structures as part of a legacy process.
By |2019-04-11T16:27:51-05:002019 April 11th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.04.11 [Beta]

Job Completion Templates

Job Completion Templates are an excellent way to manage installation/repair quality, keep your technicians accountable and gain valuable insights and trends. These Completion Templates are associated to one or multiple Job Templates, see the Job Templates tutorial here and are displayed when a technician completes a job after checking in on the mobile view of Powercode. The results, which include the option to upload a picture, are stored on the customer account but can also be displayed per completion template type on a report. This report will allow you to see trends in install characteristics such as signal strength or wide open speed tests or whatever else you choose to capture.

Each Job Template needs both a succeed and fail Completion Template. A single Completion Template can be used for multiple Job Templates, this will be common for fail Completion Templates but most likely there will be different things that should be captured on the success Completion Template side. To create a Completion Template, from the global nav bar hover over “Install” and select “Completion Template” then “Add Template”. Give the template a name and then click the green plus circle. For each row provide a name to show on the form and then choose from text, number, image, file or select. That last option provides the ability for a drop down with set multiple choice inputs. Then choose whether the field must have an answer for the form to be submitted. Repeat for each piece of information you wish to collect.

The results of the Completion Template can be found on a customer account under the “Jobs” tab and then from the “Select an Action” drop-down “View Completion Data”.  To see trends or multiple results in one place navigate to “Reports” from the global nav bar and under the “Scheduling & Service Reports” select “Completed Jobs”.

By |2019-04-04T12:44:54-05:002019 April 4th|News|Comments Off on Job Completion Templates

Release 19.04.02 [Beta]


  • Cost Input field can now be locked for Bulk Entry Mode.


  • Resolved an issue that was preventing backups from accessing new job files and new job files from being created.

Add Customer Wizard

  • Updated customer wizard settings to create defaults to resolve issues with defaults not already being set (settings not applying or saving).

Customer Overview

  • Fixed a bug that could prevent some custom info from displaying as expected.
  • Updating a customer account with no customer group no longer breaks after saving.


  • Updated legacy payments so their type is properly reflected in the queue.
  • Resolved an edge case where generating receipt PDFs would fail.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause IPPay failed transactions to not log results properly.
  • Added additional form validation to fix issues with the payment form not submitting at all.
  • Making a payment set as the current balance will now pull the appropriate amount, instead of processing the payment for the amount due.
  • The payment form no longer includes archived customers in the search results.
  • Payment exceeded warning should now display as expected in the admin portal.
  • Resolved several issues that were preventing IPPay BankAccount refunds from processing as expected.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes prevent invoice emails from not being generated.


  • Fixed a bug preventing status check, community string, and snmp version from updating as expected.
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing ICMP Generic Ping probes from displaying.
  • Fixed a bug that would keep the BMU Status widget indefinitely set to ‘initializing’.

Network Sites

  • Added “Map Notes” to Network Sites to be displayed on the Elevation Profile.


  • Adding services with multiple missing fields will now only display one error message instead of many.


  • If an error was thrown, the BMU would redirect to an alternative BMU form. It now redirects back to the initial form as expected.
  • Powercode will no longer attempt to retry processing entries for non-existent BMUs.


  • Setting interfaces to ‘none’ will no longer cause them to process indefinitely in Powercode.


  • Sync will now more consistently occur instead of manually having to be triggered.


  • Fixed a bug preventing Saisei from properly pushing out updated equipment information.

Scheduled Events

  • Added in a missing trigger event for when temporary grace dates are set for re-activating a customer account.


  • Increased default system timeout to accommodate some larger reports.
By |2019-04-04T20:52:10-05:002019 April 3rd|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.04.02 [Beta]

Release 19.03.25 [Beta]


  • Fixed display issues that were improperly reporting successful payments as failed.
  • Income by Sub Account Class graph now displays correctly.
  • Tickets Opened and Closed now link to their respective ticket and individual network site name (if applicable).


  • Fixed a calculation error that was allowing assignment of IP Addresses from full ranges.
  • Saves correct port numbers based on protocol if none is specified.
  • Fixed a situation where changing device type for a piece of equipment would not be reflected in the type of status check performed.

Customer Overview

  • Corrected the delinquency date when bill due after settings were taken into account.
  • Customer Billing Notes will now load along with the rest of the account information.


  • Payment Receipt generation should no longer fail. Validates we have a reciept before attempting to retrieve it.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing ACH batches that were forcible split due to dollar amount restrictions from missing some entries.
  • Fixed transactions sometimes improperly showing as ‘BankAccount’ payments – which would prevent refunds from processing properly.


  • Saisei flow data graphs now account for multiple Saisei boxes inside a network.
  • Resolved an issue that would force the Saisei into an out of sync status when updating services.
  • Updated Saisei redirect to properly flag as being a redirect.
  • Hosts, users, and APs how have their map location set.
By |2019-03-25T16:56:54-05:002019 March 25th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.03.25 [Beta]
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