Add Customer Wizard
- Add Customer Wizard will now only validate against fields specified in configuration settings.
- Duplicate checks will now return a full list of any matching accounts in Powercode.
Customer Overview
- Address display will no longer show broken or cleared lines.
- Custom select menus will now save and show values correctly.
Customer Portal
- Adding / Removing payment accounts through the portal will no longer log twice.
- Sign in text on the Customer Portal login page is now translated.
- The financial dashboard now displays dollar amounts with commas instead of spaces.
- Failed payments no longer falsly trigger accounts being set to active.
- All guarantee custom charges will now properly apply to the guarantor.
- Removing equipment will now require you to select which stock location it is at to avoid orphaned equipment on customer accounts.
- Schedule overrides can now be configured to include minutes (to allow for 15, 30 minute increments).
- Fixed some coloring conflicts with the Saisei graphs to improve their readability.
- Resolved an issue where some updates would fail to push to Slave BMUs, causing them to go out of sync.
- Resolved an issue where some ticket responses would be empty or blank.
- Invalid phone numbers will no longer prevent pre-delinquency SMS from being sent out.
- Fixed fping command error when attempting to ping through the widget.
- Opt-in for Beta added to the Powercode Upgrade page (default on v19).