
Release 19.07.25 [Stable]


  • Added new addParent endpoint for Equipment through the API. Takes equipmentID and parentID as parameters.
  • Added new deleteParent endpoint for Equipment through the API. Takes equipmentID and parentID as parameters.

Add Customer Wizard

  • Resolved some remaining edge-case issues where Add Customer Wizard settings were not defaulting or loading as expected when attempting to configure them.


  • Resolved an issue with ACH payments attempting to process for a zero amount, and preventing subsequent payments from processing.
  • Cash / check payments will now apply to the parent account if the account is a guaranteed account.
  • ProPay failed payments will now always properly log in the corresponding account.
  • Resolved an issue preventing ProPay from properly adding American Express cards through the Customer Portal.
  • Fixed a case where Send Invoice to MailXStream button would fail to generate the appropriate invoice.
  • Accounts added through the API will now properly create their associated Billing Address and link it to the Payment Account through the gateway.

Customer Overview

  • Added some enhanced data processing optimizations to greatly increase loading performance of the Customer Overview.

Customer Portal

  • Added custom tag elements to the Customer Portal login screen to allow custom styling for the login text and logo.
  • Fixed prevent excess payments from triggering through the Customer Portal when the feature is disabled.


  • Fixed issues where IP assignments would not retain proper values when transferring equipment.
  • When unlinking customers from Inventory equipment, we will now completely unlink the customer automatically from the inventory equipment.
  • Updated how we store bandwidth from different BMUs in the network to resolve edge cases where reporting would result in data usage spikes.


  • Replaced remaining instances of arrow images with html entities.
  • Added TicketLog Attachments when loading the TicketLog body through the API.
  • Removed extra unnecessary HTML tags from TicketLog entries (specifically when loading through the API).


  • Updated some core packages to tighten security surrounding PCI card processing requirements.


  • Fixed a bug with the Pending ECheck Reconcoliation report from displaying as expected.
  • Updated references in the Tax Matrix report to resolve issues with the name display.
  • Fixed some cases where the account class report wouldn’t load the primary Billing Type for customer log entries with BankAccounts.


  • Updates all Speedtests references to match with the Saisei Speedtest group.
  • Reverted pushing whitelists entries to Saisei on a per-entry basis, to only push on Sync (reduces longer delays when pushing out individual update items).


  • Updated authentication for MikroTiks running firmware >= 6.45.1 to properly handle new authentication changes (older firmware versions will continue to use the old authentication interface).
  • Nested some name convention checks to avoid cases where naming schemes would overlap.


  • Removed some upgrade dependencies that would overwrite some locale configurations.
  • Resolved an instance where fresh installs (with no data) would not process properly subsequent upgrades.
By |2019-08-27T12:40:52-05:002019 July 25th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.07.25 [Stable]

Release 19.07.03 [Stable]

Address Ranges

  • Updated address ranges to avoid a case where a BMU type mismatch would cause longer than expected load times when attempting to add or edit a new Address Range.


  • Resolved a conflict with cvc validation that wouldn’t properly validate against some numbers.
  • Updated eWay customer portal encryption methods to allow for customer portal card addition.
  • The “Enable Automatic Payments” checkbox will now display even if you only had a CreditCard Gateway enabled.
  • Updated a check with ach batch payments to resolve a case where the payment event wouldn’t trigger.

Customer Overview

  • Custom fields will no longer flag as required when not being set.
  • SMS button will now display if a contact other than the primary is opted in for SMS.
  • Call logs on the overview tab now sort by created date as they do in the expanded view.
  • Custom fields overview tab box won’t display unless you have a field set.

Service Areas

  • Removed validation for Service Areas to allow all remote country and province combinations to be added.
By |2019-07-03T17:38:10-05:002019 July 3rd|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.07.03 [Stable]

Release 19.06.26 [Stable]


  • Equipment updates will now automatically associate to the correct range when saving equipment if it is not provided.


  • Resolved a situation in which deleting a payment account would stall and become unresponsive.


  • If there is a permissions conflict when attempting to save the schedule, we will forward that error to the confirmation dialog.


  • Notifiers have been adjusted to prevent repetitive “Good” status notifications from being sent out.

Custom Fields

  • Resolved remaining edge cases in which custom fields wouldn’t display the proper saved value.
  • Empty values will no longer trigger validation as a “Duplicate”.


  • Fixed an issue with contracts in which the checksum comparison wasn’t returning the expected result and preventing the contract from being displayed.


  • Adjusted how we check for customers status to prevent pushing out plans that were not matched to the appropriate status.
By |2019-06-26T17:24:07-05:002019 June 26th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.06.26 [Stable]

Release 19.06.18 [Stable]


  • Down Infrastructure Equipment Webhook will no longer trigger for Customer Equipment.
  • Down Infrastructure / Customer Equipment Webhook will no longer trigger for a status change to “Bad”.
  • Added Webhook for Equipment Transfers, with an event of “Transfer”.

Customer Overview

  • Adjusted formatting for the Physical Address to correct the display.
  • Adding customers properly defaults to the System Default State again.
  • Call logs now wrap at the word instead of breaking up on individual characters.

Custom Information Fields

  • Resolved an issue where Powercode wouldn’t know which field to map to.
  • “Show X More” button wasn’t properly displaying additional fields, it will now display them as expected.
  • Powercode now properly determines which Custom Field values are truly unique.


  • Fixed a rare case where invoice batch generation in reports would fail.
  • Resolved an edge case where BankAccounts could not be added through the Customer Portal.
  • Updated VoIP to apply the correct Account Class during automatic billing.


  • Deleting equipment and assigning it back to a WebUser now properly validates.
  • Inventory selection when adding or updating Equipment will now exclude “Deleted” inventory.
  • Removing an ICMP probe if it was the last probe on equipment will no longer cause probes for that equipment to break.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing some notifiers from receiving the notification. All notifiers should now get a notification.
  • Equipment Transfers will properly register and they will push out updates to the BMU Queue without requiring manual action.
  • Reverted monitoring restriction to avoid some issues with IP comparisons when processing BMU Requests.
  • Fixed the “Location” display from overflowing on the Equipment Overview page.
  • Equipment will now retain IMSI data when transferring between ranges.


  • Financial Dashboard tooltip for Revenue by Payment Type will now always display as expected.
  • Tax Matrix Report now includes non-specific values in a category of “None”.


  • Resolved a bug that was preventing the adding of DID numbers to Customers.
  • Call Record prefixes will no longer improperly be labeled as “International”.


  • All non-active customers are now redirected through the MikroTik.
  • MikroTik will no longer erroneously select an alternate interface if set to ‘None’.
By |2019-06-19T14:43:15-05:002019 June 19th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.06.18 [Stable]

Release 19.06.06 [Beta]

Add Customer Wizard

  • Add Customer Wizard will now only validate against fields specified in configuration settings.
  • Duplicate checks will now return a full list of any matching accounts in Powercode.

Customer Overview

  • Address display will no longer show broken or cleared lines.
  • Custom select menus will now save and show values correctly.

Customer Portal

  • Adding / Removing payment accounts through the portal will no longer log twice.
  • Sign in text on the Customer Portal login page is now translated.


  • The financial dashboard now displays dollar amounts with commas instead of spaces.


  • Failed payments no longer falsly trigger accounts being set to active.
  • All guarantee custom charges will now properly apply to the guarantor.


  • Removing equipment will now require you to select which stock location it is at to avoid orphaned equipment on customer accounts.


  • Schedule overrides can now be configured to include minutes (to allow for 15, 30 minute increments).


  • Fixed some coloring conflicts with the Saisei graphs to improve their readability.
  • Resolved an issue where some updates would fail to push to Slave BMUs, causing them to go out of sync.


  • Resolved an issue where some ticket responses would be empty or blank.


  • Invalid phone numbers will no longer prevent pre-delinquency SMS from being sent out.


  • Fixed fping command error when attempting to ping through the widget.
  • Opt-in for Beta added to the Powercode Upgrade page (default on v19).
By |2019-06-19T14:32:46-05:002019 June 10th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.06.06 [Beta]

Release 19.05.21 [Beta]


  • End point updateEquipment will properly return the EquipmentID of an existing IP as originally expected.
  • End point updateCustomer now accepts ‘activation date’ (or 0) as billDay to set “Activation Day” as their Bill Day.
  • Contacts that are being updated will no longer re-hash passwords if they have not changed.


  • Updated the ACH Batch count in the System Event Log widget to display the correct amount of pending transactions (instead of displaying none at all).


  • You can no longer attempt to delete a contact if you don’t have the appropriate permissions. We won’t even pretend that it might work.

Customer Portal

  • Fixed an issue with Cvv validation that was preventing some customers from adding Credit Cards through the Customer Portal.

Custom Fields

  • Added default value option to custom fields on edit so that the default value does not reset.


  • System emails will now reference the correct MultiBrand Company when using the %%COMPANYNAME%% variable.


  • Resolved an incorrect link for transferring equipment.
  • Deleted inventory will no longer show as selectable in the equipment form.
  • Equipment Log csv export will now export all entries instead of only exporting the first 100 rows.


  • New “Whitelist” field when editing the Saisei BMU for pushing specific IPs or subnets to a whitelist plan in Saisei.


  • Updated schedule overrides so they don’t automatically increment end time on edit. Additionally, we disabled autofilling to avoid displaying the autofill box on top of the date select widget.


  • Updated core configuration to avoid some cases where gateway errors would occur.
  • Updated how we save file names to avoid cases where the file would not save to the correct location and could not be linked properly.


  • Removed some links that were trying to load a status change icon from the billing server in emails (now uses a universal character instead).
By |2019-05-23T15:44:22-05:002019 May 23rd|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.05.21 [Beta]

Release 19.05.10 [Beta]


  • Hosts that are unset in Saisei are now set into the default rate plan instead of the delinquent plan (by default).
  • Fixed several cases where Saisei customers would not be updated in Saisei.
  • Updated equipment parent selection to only update the parent if it is an exact match.
  • Updating infrastructure equipment will now properly update infrastructure leases as well.


  • MikroTik interface entries will now properly update when moving address ranges (to prevent orphaned data cases).


  • updateEquipment now returns the EquipmentID if it matches an existing piece of equipment.


  • Resolved a case where throughput graphs for probes wouldn’t load properly.
  • Fixed several issues with address range calculations that would prevent the range from being selected as expected.
  • Made automatically filtering address ranges an optional feature that can be enabled or disabled.


  • Resolved several issues that would prevent refunds from properly processing.

ACH Processing

  • Updated the way we process in-house ACH payments to resolve issues that were preventing the generation of ACH batches.
  • Fixed a bug that would disregard some ACH formatting settings.
  • Fixed an incorrect batch count display in the System Event Log widget.


  • Scheduled events will no longer prorate when scheduled for a Customer’s Billing Day (to prevent erroneous duplicate charges).
  • Resolved a case in which some legacy data would prevent Bank Payments from processing automatically as expected.
  • Updated CreditCard widget and adjusted it to correctly display the Customer name by default.
  • All CreditCard addition and modification logs will now consistently follow the same format.
  • BankAccount updates will no longer incorrectly be labeled as CreditCard updates.
  • Added in missing Customer Event Log when deleting a Payment Account.
  • Fixed various issues with the Add Customer Wizard Payment Account addition – you should now be able to fully add Payment Accounts when creating a new account (including the previously missing CVV field).


  • Payments Received report now lists all transactions even if the Payment Account used had been deleted (these will be denoted with a ‘Deleted’ entry in the report).
  • Editing a custom report will no longer occasionally close while selecting which inputs to modify.
  • Custom Reports will now save even if they don’t have a description.


  • Fixed a case where a service matching setting would prevent unique services from Ipifony from being billed in Powercode.


  • Powercode logo and beta branding have been added to the Navigation Bar.
  • Resolved a global issue that would prevent some Event Logs from properly reporting the user making the change.
By |2019-05-10T16:29:12-05:002019 May 10th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.05.10 [Beta]

Release 19.04.24 [Beta]


  • Updated the link in our API configuration to point to Powercode v19 Documentation.


  • Updated references for old ACH processing index to point to the appropriate URL.
  • Added ‘Name of Card’ to the Payments Received Report.
  • Fixed several pagers that were not displaying the appropriate amount of items in the table.
  • Limited transaction selection to prevent some transactions from displaying in the wrong section.
  • Resolved an issue where the Customer Usage Report would not load as expected.

Network Locations

  • Updated Network Location notes handling to avoid a case where you were unable to add a new Network Site.

Customer Overview

  • Fixed an issue where email event logs would be malformed.
  • Removed a deprecated reference that was preventing customer statuses from being updating while having ezPhone enabled.
  • Uploading customer files will now uniformly record the WebUser uploading, as well as more uniformly logging the changes being made.


  • Manually entering an IP in the Equipment Form will now filter which Address Range it should be in and selects it automatically if there is only 1.


  • Custom Charge dates will now properly save as a 24 hour format instead of the previous 12 hour format.
  • Payment Gateways that do not support BankAccounts will no longer display this as an option.
  • Payments will now properly re-activate accounts when submitting a payment through the admin portal.
  • Setting a Grace Period to 0 will no longer cause the default Grace Period to be reset incorrectly.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause pending or incomplete BankPayments to not be verified (or returned) properly.
  • Returned check event logs will properly record the TransactionID instead of previously recording the record ID.
  • Updated IPPay Payments to correctly label API payments when they are posted.

Payment Accounts

  • Corrected spelling when successfully switching a PaymentAccount to Automatic.
  • Added webhook trigger for deleted payment account to activate from the Admin Portal.

Make Payment

  • BankAccount icon will no longer display alongside the CreditCard widget when making a payment.
  • Fixed CreditCard expiration validation attempts failing on certain Payment Gateways.


  • Updating partial Unimus configurations no longer updates the entire category.


  • Resolved issues that were preventing the merge / mass status bar from displaying as expected.


  • Scheduling a network job is now limited to creating one job and will no longer create multiple jobs if submitted multiple times in a row.


  • Updated a database timeout restriction that was causing issues with large backups > 30G.
  • Updated our daily OUI build to generate values using the new file structure as expected.
  • Increased session expiration time to previous default of 8 hours (up from 1 hour).
By |2019-05-09T16:50:55-05:002019 April 24th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.04.24 [Beta]

Release 19.04.11 [Beta]


  • Updated all Payment and Refund logs to be consistent and display both the attempted amount and last 4 digits of the account.
  • Add Payment Account will now allow you to switch back to the Credit Card tab.
  • Add Payment Account will no longer always save new Payment Accounts as “Automatic”.
  • Added Bank icon to the Add Payment Account Bank Account form and to the Make Payment wizard.
  • Customer name will now automatically populate when adding a new Credit Card or Bank Account to their profile.
  • When making a payment with a primary Bank Account we will no longer validate for non-existent expired dates.
  • Custom amount box input in the Make Payment Wizard no longer displays unless the corresponding radio is selected.
  • Errors now display properly on the Make Payment Wizard instead of just redirecting to the same page with no indication that an error actually occurred.
  • Submitting a payment would sometimes pull the Amount Due when selecting Current Balance – we now pull the correct amount.
  • Refunds will now display and log the actual refund amount instead of always showing the full amount.
  • Resolved a memory issue that occurred while generating monthly invoices that would cause customers to not receive invoices.
  • Minimum payment amounts were only loading for Credit Cards, we now load them and properly compare against both Credit Card and Bank Account payments.
  • Add Payment Account address selection for Credit Cards will now include all states for a given country, instead of just including Service Areas that exist in the system.
  • Zero dollar amounts will no longer sometimes show as negative in the transaction log.

Auto Parent/Child

  • We now only check equipment if it is a supported Equipment Type (avoids checking equipment that doesn’t support this process).


  • Updated the way we save SNMP information for Equipment to avoid issues where we couldn’t properly save the information at all.
  • Equipment will now properly save Device Type default SNMP information when changing Device Types.


  • Inventory deployed status can be changed again after its been assigned to a customer account.


  • Updated address ranges with one IP to prevent MikroTik from erroneously removing them.


  • Resolved issues with SCP backups to avoid attempting to backup from the wrong location.


  • Updated comparison method to resolve some cases where recording data usage results with Preseem was inaccurate.


  • Fixed a fringe case where Unimus wouldn’t properly retrieve backups.

Customer Overview

  • Customer Event Logs on the Customer Overview that are truncated will now display the entirety of the log on hover.
  • Updated customer portal settings Payment Delete terminology to clarify what its function is (Payment Account Deletion Permissions).
  • Call logs will now be loaded by creation date instead of re-ordered based on the last updated timestamp.

Customer Portal

  • Added last 4 digits to the PaymentAccount display when selecting which account to make a payment with.
  • Customer portal overpay settings are no longer applied to a portal payment when the setting is not active.
  • Saving non-numeric or decimal amounts for minimum credit card or bank account payment amounts will no longer incorrectly validate when trying to submit a custom payment amount.

Customer Tags

  • Customer tags can now be edited after creation.


  • Fixed a system error that would occur when attempting to switch services.


  • Financial Dashboard recurring revenue chart can now be filtered to display by Month (Bar Graph) or by Day (Line Graph).


  • Fixed the twilio log so it no longer loads inaccurate “duplicate” entries.
  • Updated SendMassSMS to account for invalid phone numbers. Failures will now be logged instead of causing the entire SMS process to fail.


  • Increased session expiration time to be 1 hour (up from 25 minutes). Some installations were causing sessions to expire and work to be lost due to the lower timeout.
  • Removed several references that were trying to update legacy file structures as part of a legacy process.
By |2019-04-11T16:27:51-05:002019 April 11th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.04.11 [Beta]

Release 19.04.02 [Beta]


  • Cost Input field can now be locked for Bulk Entry Mode.


  • Resolved an issue that was preventing backups from accessing new job files and new job files from being created.

Add Customer Wizard

  • Updated customer wizard settings to create defaults to resolve issues with defaults not already being set (settings not applying or saving).

Customer Overview

  • Fixed a bug that could prevent some custom info from displaying as expected.
  • Updating a customer account with no customer group no longer breaks after saving.


  • Updated legacy payments so their type is properly reflected in the queue.
  • Resolved an edge case where generating receipt PDFs would fail.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause IPPay failed transactions to not log results properly.
  • Added additional form validation to fix issues with the payment form not submitting at all.
  • Making a payment set as the current balance will now pull the appropriate amount, instead of processing the payment for the amount due.
  • The payment form no longer includes archived customers in the search results.
  • Payment exceeded warning should now display as expected in the admin portal.
  • Resolved several issues that were preventing IPPay BankAccount refunds from processing as expected.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes prevent invoice emails from not being generated.


  • Fixed a bug preventing status check, community string, and snmp version from updating as expected.
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing ICMP Generic Ping probes from displaying.
  • Fixed a bug that would keep the BMU Status widget indefinitely set to ‘initializing’.

Network Sites

  • Added “Map Notes” to Network Sites to be displayed on the Elevation Profile.


  • Adding services with multiple missing fields will now only display one error message instead of many.


  • If an error was thrown, the BMU would redirect to an alternative BMU form. It now redirects back to the initial form as expected.
  • Powercode will no longer attempt to retry processing entries for non-existent BMUs.


  • Setting interfaces to ‘none’ will no longer cause them to process indefinitely in Powercode.


  • Sync will now more consistently occur instead of manually having to be triggered.


  • Fixed a bug preventing Saisei from properly pushing out updated equipment information.

Scheduled Events

  • Added in a missing trigger event for when temporary grace dates are set for re-activating a customer account.


  • Increased default system timeout to accommodate some larger reports.
By |2019-04-04T20:52:10-05:002019 April 3rd|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.04.02 [Beta]
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