
Release 18.12.06 [Stable]


  • Added a new CVV input field for Credit Card capture. This includes a reworked Moneris integration, which opens up support for CVV Codes as well as added support for logging responses from the Moneris gateway.

For Moneris users: It is important that you do not update until you have found your API key and are able to quickly switch it out in Powercode after successfully updating to this version. This gateway will no logner use Moneris’ DirectPost integration, but their API Integration – as such you will need update your API Token. Once logged into your Moneris Merchant Resource Center, navigate to Admin > Store Settings. Copy your API Token into Powercode’s Config > Billing & Payments > Payment Gateway.


  • Port now defaults to 80 if none is set.
  • Resolved several indexing issues that were resulting in longer than expected load times for Equipment.
  • You can no longer attempt to transfer Equipment to a non-existent customer.
  • Some backhaul fields were not displaying as expected and should now appear properly.
  • Several adjustments to the equipment form to resolve issues with inputs not updating properly or saving as expected.
  • Device configuration files were showing duplicate results, they should now only show one.


  • Address Ranges no longer default to CG-Nat being checked by default.
  • End address range IPs will now validate properly.


  • Several Saisei graphs that were not loading previously will now load as expected.
  • CustomerID and Customer Profile links have been re-added to the Customer Status Reports.
  • Resolved an issue with the Customer Elevation Profile where slower computers and browsers were not keeping up with execution. We added a delay of 500ms to all but guarantee this not happening again.
  • Saisei license information will now display in a popup instead of in the table.
  • We now add the entire parent/child tree into Saisei so long as only a single parent exists for a device.
  • Fixed a case where slow plans were not being applied properly.
  • Address Ranges are now marked as Internal Fibs in Saisei and removed user-specified Internals.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing Access Point information from being synced to the Saisei.
  • Modified some calculations to properly reflect flow data rates for Saisei graphs.
  • During sync, Powercode will now properly determine if a Partition has been disabled, and removes it from the rate plan if so.
  • You can no longer unselect the “Other” partition.
  • Any Equipment parents will now be added into Saisei as APs.
  • Added all Customer Portal Saisei graphs to the Customer Overview.

Customer Overview

  • Jobs will sort by their StartTime properly – previously, the days would be out of order.
  • IP Addresses on the Inventory tab of the Customer Overview now append the related port.
  • Balances that are transferred on guarantor addition now properly retain TaxZone information.
  • Correct an incorrect link reference in the Invoice Preferences page.
  • Renaming a file no longer renames unrelated files with the same name.

Mass Notification

  • ‘Both’ option for Mass Notification now correctly selects the amount of customers to send the notification to.

Elevation Profile

  • Modified several instances where the elevation profile was loaded to ensure it isn’t being loaded prematurely.
  • Pending Network Sites will now show with a yellow icon, to differentiate between normal network sites.


  • Address State will now default to the Customer’s default State, instead of the first in an Alphabetical list.


  • Modifying Credit Card information no longer loads empty data.
  • Updated how payment information was being sent to Moneris to avoid a potential conflict.
  • Single payments will now always log the payment result properly into Powercode.


  • Services list should now filter correctly between selectable and unselectable.
  • An issue preventing services from being edited has been resolved.
  • Services list can be sorted by Status again.
  • Services list will display only selectable services by default again.
  • Rate Multiplier labels have been corrected to reflect their potential values.


  • Columns are now aligned properly with their services on the Payment page.
  • Polished the Payments page and removed animations to avoid breaks in the Payment Submission workflow.


  • You can now unset a Parent Ticket by changing it to “None”.
  • Added some formatting variables to resolve issues with double spacing and extraordinarily long spacing in ticket paragraphs.


  • Resolved an issue where tickets wouldn’t properly update via the API.
  • Resolved an issue where Customers wouldn’t be created consistently through the API.
  • Added the ability to set SourceIP for an API Key to ‘’ to allow any IP to make requests using that API Key.
  • Creating a customer through the API will now correctly kick off the New Customer Creation WebHook.
  • Updating a Customer through the API will no longer wipe out Phone information.


  • Services and Customer Status Lists now load dynamically resulting in substantial performance gains.
  • Changed how we load available patches to avoid loading incompatible patches.
  • We now flag all cookies created by Powercode as Secure to keep up with new PCI scan items.
  • Upgrades will no longer show patch versions that are incompatible with the current Powercode version.

Customer Portal

  • Data usage now labels properly as MB, and formats the tooltip to represent MB.
  • Resolved an issue where disabling customer’s ability to delete their last payment method also unintentionally affected customer permissions.


  • Increased mobile compatibility of CnMaestro pages.


  • Customer individual system emails now properly set the “From” address as the correct system email.
  • Resolved an issue with multi brand emails that would prevent customers from properly receiving preference emails.


  • Fixed a typo with VOIP Services that represented Long Distance rates as Local.


  • Added validation to prevent duplicate serial numbers from being added.


  • Updated TowerCoverage export to properly reflect changes made on their Imports.


  • A case where SNMP probes would return unknown results no longer result in a bad status for the associated Equipment.
  • Probing now properly queries which Mirrored or Slave BMUs to use. Previously, some BMU configurations would fail to send probes out at all.


  • We now strip non numeric characters from phone numbers before sending them to BOSS to avoid odd behavior.


  • Fixed a validation issue that would result in multiple accounts being created accidentally.
  • When managing service areas, we were being too strict on validation which resulted in some states not being able to be created if they were new to your system.

Scheduled Events

  • When creating a service related event, we now show you the ‘ISP Description’ field as well so you know which service you are selecting if you have multiple that share the same main name.

Network Sites

  • Network sites can now be set to Pending, which will display as yellow cone icons with their status in the Elevation Profile.
  • Disabled network sites will no longer display on the Elevation Profile.


  • MikroTik will now properly save Relay Address settings.
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing update information from pushing to the MikroTik.
  • SlowAfterTriggered will now correctly effect the its corresponding MikroTik queue.


  • You can now search by ExternalAccountID in the Search Bar.


  • Webhooks containing customer information now include the ExternalAccountID.
By |2018-12-06T16:56:08-06:002018 December 6th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 18.12.06 [Stable]

Release 18.11.28 [RC]


  • Port now defaults to 80 if none is set.


  • End address range IPs will now validate properly.


  • Several Saisei graphs that were not loading previously will now load as expected.

Customer Overview

  • Jobs will sort by their StartTime properly – previously, the days would be out of order.

Mass Notification

  • ‘Both’ option for Mass Notification now correctly selects the amount of customers to send the notification to.

Elevation Profile

  • Modified several instances where the elevation profile was loaded to ensure it isn’t being loaded prematurely.


  • Address State will now default to the Customer’s default State, instead of the first in an Alphabetical list.


  • Modifying Credit Card information no longer loads empty data.
  • Updated how payment information was being sent to Moneris to avoid a potential conflict.
  • Single payments will now always logging the payment result properly into Powercode.


  • Services list should now filter correctly between selectable and unselectable.
By |2018-11-29T10:40:00-06:002018 November 28th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 18.11.28 [RC]

Release 18.11.15 [Beta]


  • CustomerID and Customer Profile links have been re-added to the Customer Status Reports.
  • Resolved an issue with the Customer Elevation Profile where slower computers and browsers were not keeping up with execution.  We added a delay of 500ms to all but guarantee this not happening again.


  • An issue preventing services from being edited has been resolved.
  • Services list can be sorted by Status again.
  • Services list will display only selectable services by default again.


  • Columns are now aligned properly with their services on the Payment page.
  • Polished the Payments page and removed animations to avoid breaks in the Payment Submission workflow.


  • Saisei license information will now display in a popup instead of in the table.
By |2018-11-28T10:48:33-06:002018 November 15th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 18.11.15 [Beta]

Release 18.11.07 [Beta]


  • You can now unset a Parent Ticket by changing it to “None”.


  • Resolved an issue where tickets wouldn’t properly update via the API.


  • Services and Customer Status Lists now load dynamically resulting in substantial performance gains.


  • Additional validation to prevent address ranges with invalid start and end from being added.


  • IP Addresses on the Inventory tab of the Customer Overview now append the related port.
  • Balances that are transferred on guarantor addition now properly retain TaxZone information.
  • Correct an incorrect link reference in the Invoice Preferences page.

Customer Portal

  • Data usage now labels properly as MB, and formats the tooltip to represent MB.


  • Increased mobile compatibility of CnMaestro pages.


  • Customer individual system emails now properly set the “From” address as the correct system email.
  • Resolved an issue with multi brand emails that would prevent customers from properly receiving preference emails.


  • Fixed a typo with VOIP Services that represented Long Distance rates as Local.


  • Updated TowerCoverage export to properly reflect changes made on their Imports.


  • A case where SNMP probes would return unknown results no longer result in a bad status for the associated Equipment.
By |2018-11-15T16:34:39-06:002018 November 8th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 18.11.07 [Beta]

Release 18.10.16 [Beta]

Powercode System Updates

  • Changed how we load available patches to avoid loading incompatible patches.


  • We now strip non numeric characters from phone numbers before sending them to BOSS to avoid odd behavior.


  • Fixed a validation issue that would result in multiple accounts being created accidentally.
  • When managing service areas, we were being too strict on validation which resulted in some states not being able to be created if they were new to your system.


  • We now add the entire parent/child tree into Saisei so long as only a single parent exists for a device.
  • Fixed a case where slow plans were not being applied properly.

Scheduled Events

  • When creating a service related event, we now show you the ‘ISP Description’ field as well so you know which service you are selecting if you have multiple that share the same main name.
By |2018-10-16T14:03:37-05:002018 October 16th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 18.10.16 [Beta]

Release 18.10.04 [Beta]


  • Added a new CVV input field for Credit Card capture. This includes a reworked Moneris integration, which opens up support for CVV Codes as well as added support for logging responses from the Moneris gateway.

For Moneris users: It is important that you do not update until you have found your API key and are able to quickly switch it out in Powercode after successfully updating to this version. This gateway will no logner use Moneris’ DirectPost integration, but their API Integration – as such you will need update your API Token. Once logged into your Moneris Merchant Resource Center, navigate to Admin > Store Settings. Copy your API Token into Powercode’s Config > Billing & Payments > Payment Gateway.


  • Fixed a bug that was preventing Access Point information from being synced to the Saisei.


  • Resolved several indexing issues that were resulting in longer than expected load times for Equipment.
  • You can no longer attempt to transfer Equipment to a non-existent customer.
  • Some backhaul fields were not displaying as expected and should now appear properly.

Elevation Profile

  • Pending Network Sites will now show with a yellow icon, to differentiate between normal network sites.


  • We now flag all cookies created by Powercode as Secure to keep up with new PCI scan items.
By |2018-10-08T09:27:08-05:002018 October 5th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 18.10.04 [Beta]

Release 18.09.27 [Beta]


  • Resolved several old account references in the previous Beta that were preventing Status changes and the addition of new Customer Accounts.


  • Upgrades will no longer show patch versions that are incompatible with the current Powercode version.


  • Added some formatting variables to resolve issues with double spacing and extraordinarily long spacing in ticket paragraphs.

Network Sites

  • Network sites can now be set to Pending, which will display as yellow tower icons with their status in the Elevation Profile.
  • Disabled network sites will no longer display on the Elevation Profile.


  • MikroTik will now properly save Relay Address settings.
By |2018-09-27T15:58:28-05:002018 September 27th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 18.09.27 [Beta]

Release 18.09.26 [Beta]


  • Several adjustments to the equipment form to resolve issues with inputs not updating properly or saving as expected.
  • Device configuration files were showing duplicate results, they should now only show one.


  • Modified some calculations to properly reflect flow data rates for Saisei graphs.
  • During sync, Powercode will now properly determine if a Partition has been disabled, and removes it from the rate plan if so.
  • You can no longer unselect the “Other” partition.
  • Any Equipment parents will now be added into Saisei as APs.
  • Added all Customer Portal Saisei graphs to the Customer Overview.

Customer Portal

  • Resolved an issue where disabling customer’s ability to delete their last payment method also unintentionally affected customer permissions.


  • SlowAfterTriggered will now correctly effect the its corresponding MikroTik queue.


  • You can now search by ExternalAccountID in the Search Bar.

Elevation Profile

  • Disabled network sites will now show in the Elevation Profile and will be tagged ‘DISABLED’.
By |2018-09-27T15:58:54-05:002018 September 26th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 18.09.26 [Beta]

Release 18.09.24 [Stable]


  • Fixed an issue preventing you from unselecting items.


  • Patches for versions less than current will now update properly.
  • Upgrade from time adds the correct amount of time when changing the upgrade schedule.


  • APs should now update in Saisei as expected.
  • Saving Saisei policy updates now saves a percentage value of matching policies for greater consistency.


  • Added Cidr and the Net Mask to a Customer’s Inventory Tab information.
  • Removed extra spaces from subnet text area.


  • Instead of deleting a BaiCells customer on status change, we now properly update BOSS to deactivate the customer account.
By |2018-09-27T15:59:18-05:002018 September 24th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 18.09.24 [Stable]

Release 18.09.19 [Stable]


  • New Unimus Integration.


  • New Powercode Patching system. Within Powercode on the Upgrade page, you can now install Patches that have been deployed by Powercode. New patches will appear once they become available, and will be able to be applied to your Powercode system with the click of a button.
    • With this feature, you will no longer have to wait for a release or even have to perform a full upgrade to your system just to get minor bugs fixed.  As soon as we fix and verify internally, they will become available to you.
  • New Powercode Upgrade page. The redesigned upgrade page now allows you to load current and most recent patch notes directly on the Upgrade page. In addition, you can now Reschedule and Cancel an upgrade that has been scheduled – allowing you maximum flexibility on when your upgrade occurs


  • Initial deployment and support of IPv6 for MikroTik within Powercode. Documentation will be released shortly.
  • New Equipment Form for tracking and handling IPv6.


  • We explicitly tell Saisei hosts are NOT dynamic to make sure the STM doesn’t forget which customer the host is assigned to after a period of time.
  • Updated application signatures and lists. Including much better handling of Microsoft updates.
  • Created a ‘game-downloads’ application group and moved relevant applications into this group to separate game play vs game downloads.
  • Application lists will now be pulled directly from, to ensure it is always up to date.
  • Saisei BMUs should no longer unintentionally kick into an Out of Sync status.
  • Powercode will now tell Saisei 10gb as the limit for infrastructure if nothing is specified.  This allows us to get analytics, without affecting rate shaping.
  • Changed sequence numbers on Saisei to update during sync.
  • Customer Portal Application Rate graphs now refresh every 5 seconds automatically.
  • Resolved an issue with conflicting Saisei partitions.
  • A fringe case where some Saisei settings would not save has been resolved.


  • MikroTik ‘burst in’ speeds were being confused with max speeds, this has been corrected.
  • PCQ no longer attempts to set the rate to 0 incorrectly.
  • Removed Equipment marked as ‘Not Limited’ from all queues and redirects.
  • MikroTik interfaces for mirrored BMUs will now save properly.
  • IPv6 information will no longer be lost when deleting an Address Range with MikroTik.
  • Added the ability to set a custom total queue when PCQ is selected.
  • Non-service APs can now have leases.
  • You can now select total-queue for PCQ.

Customer Portal

  • One time overage charges will now display properly in the Customer Portal.
  • Payments in the portal will no longer in some cases show an inaccurate amount of $0 on the success page.
  • Equipment probes can be enabled through the Customer Portal configuration, and viewed directly on the Customer Portal.  Allowing you to share this to your end user.
  • Multiple customer portal graphs for Saisei have been improved.
  • New Default Login page allows you to configure which page you want customers to be redirect to when they log in.
  • Some Saisei-specific graphs weren’t matched correctly with their Customer Portal configuration settings, we’ve re-matched them to activate properly.
  • An issue where you were unable to edit Contact’s addresses has been resolved.
  • Credit card automatic payment status now shows on the Customer Portal and is no longer affected by unrelated configuration options.


  • Added a configuration option to enable or disable the telephone link attached to a Customer’s phone number.
  • Updating a customer’s invoice preference will properly log to the Customer Event Log again.
  • Added the ability to create and require security questions to be answered when creating a customer account.
  • When sending an email to an individual customer, the “From” address will now pull from the appropriate Multi Brand Company.
  • Customer Group has been added as a configurable required field to the Add Customer Wizard.
  • Sending mass notifications now properly loads customers by IP Range. It was previously indicating an incorrect number of recipients.
  • Customer status changes now properly trigger the internal email alert.
  • Download links for files should work correctly now in various versions of different browsers.


  • The groups tab is no longer persistently hidden when adding new services.
  • Updated services custom fields to fix some display issues.
  • Firefox CSV exports will now export with the correct name and extension type. No more ‘bin’ file downloads.
  • Unselectable services will no longer show up when applying a one-time service or charge.


  • Updated the way we handle probe responses to resolve issues with Equipment Monitor graphs not displaying correctly.
  • Resolved a problem in which the IMSI wasn’t being set when editing a piece of equipment.
  • Added a popup asking if you want to use a matching piece of inventory equipment when manually entering a MAC address.
  • Port specifications will now be saved correctly.
  • SNMP OIDs will no longer save as the “Last Result”.


  • Removing a price override sometimes set the override incorrectly to $0. This has been fixed.
  • Deleting credit cards now shows the last 4 digits to verify the correct card is being deleted.
  • Setting grace periods was sometimes trying to reactivate customers twice, they will now only be reactivated once.
  • When billing with IPPay for the first time, an issue where check numbers could bounce back as invalid has been resolved.
  • Fixed various points in Invoices where foreign characters were not being encoded properly.
  • We now avoid a case where you might accidentally refund a single payment multiple times.
  • When setting a Temporary Grace Period for a customer that is already delinquent, the customer’s internet service will now automatically be re-activated.
  • One-time credits should no longer be labeled as Monthly Discounts.
  • Permission groups were not always being taken into account when applying one-time credits, this has been fixed.
  • The financial dashboard ARPU total was not accounting for 0 cost price overrides, we have updated the dashboard to now account for this.
  • Fixed an alignment issue that was causing confusion when Entering a Payment on a Customer with no Services.


  • Customer Tax Zones will now properly be set when updating a customer through the API.
  • The API now fully supports searching for Customers via a Phone Number.
  • Customer Tax Zone now saves properly when updating a Customer through the API.


  • Form 477 now has a system configuration option to enable or disable automatic FCC data generation and the FCC 477 Report.
  • CSV exports for reports will now be named by their respective Report name. For example, the Active Customers report will now export as Active Customers.csv.
  • New Report Access Logging – we’ve added logging to reports to log web user access to those reports. Access logs can be found under Reports -> Report Access Logs.
  • Customer Logs Report ‘More Info’ has been enabled as a filterable column.


  • You can now search for Equipment by EquipmentID and be directed to the equipment page if a match is found.
  • Added the ability to search by Transaction ID.
  • Added the ability to search by IMSI.
  • Added the ability to search by the last 4 digits of a Credit Card.


  • Added in missing network sites to the multi-day schedule.
  • Tech time sheets will no longer attempt to autofill a date over the date selector.
  • Added a ‘Recalculate Drive Time’ button on individual jobs. Allowing you to manually confirm drive times on a per job basis.


  • Ticketing action buttons will now properly activate on iOS devices.


  • Backups now are configured to be stored for X days, old configurations based on weeks have been automatically converted to the correct number of days.


  • Deleted inventory locations no longer appear as a valid return location when deleting equipment from a customer.
  • Inventory products can now be sorted by quantity.


  • Added the ability to customize invoice messages and stub message font sizes.


  • There were some cases where data would display even if it didn’t exist, these have been resolved.


  • We resolved an issue where some job variables were not populating when sending out a Twilio message.
By |2018-09-19T11:45:16-05:002018 September 19th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 18.09.19 [Stable]
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