
18.05.24 Release [Beta]

New Features

  • cnMaestro Integration – adds the ability to integrate cnMaestro with Powercode.
    Fetches device and client data and displays data in the cnMaestro page.
  • SubscriberWise Integration – allows you to perform soft credit checks on customers in the Add Customer Wizard.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a display issue with unselectable services.
  • MikroTik no longer floods the logs with version spam.
  • Fixed missing Allow / Deny mode option for MikroTik BMUs.
  • Fixed a redirect issue when resetting a password through the Customer Portal.


  • Added the ability to create custom policies for Saisei and add those policies to a Service.
  • Added a webhook for when a customer deletes a credit card.
By |2018-06-20T16:21:28-05:002018 May 24th|Changelog|Comments Off on 18.05.24 Release [Beta]

18.05.23 Release [Stable]

This stable release is the first stable release since 18.03.21. Some of the highlights include:

  • NEW Customer Portal complete with bugfixes and many new features!
  • Service Areas – you can now specify which service areas you cover, including support for International customers!
  • Saisei BMU Integration – fully integrate the power of the Saisei BMU into your network within Powercode.
  • FCC Monthly Backups & Sticky Settings – you can now specify FCC 477 export settings on a per-service basis, and Powercode now automatically saves your FCC data every month!
  • Twilio Dashboard – you can now send out SMS messages, view replies, and see metrics for your Twilio usage from the Twilio Dashboard in Reports.
  • Over 50 system changes and enhancements to make Powercode work better.

Be sure to check out everything that’s been added! In addition to these couple changes:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bandwidth gathering from not initializing properly for Saisei.
  • Editing non-monthly internet services now correctly loads FCC sticky settings.
  • System event log for schedule overrides no longer inaccurately sets the user as admin.
  • Customer portal mobile menu now has the correct background.
  • Twilio logs link in the Twilio configuration page now links to the correct location.
  • Fixed an issue where internal ranges were being applied to every BMU regardless of type.
  • Fixed several issues with VoIP service comparisons.
  • You can now override service costs to $0 again.
  • Fixed an issue preventing BMUs from being added.
By |2018-06-20T16:21:43-05:002018 May 23rd|Changelog|Comments Off on 18.05.23 Release [Stable]

Scheduled Events

From the billing tab above the ‘Transactions’ window lives a handy tool called ‘Scheduled Events.’ The ‘Close Account on Next Billing Day’ button allows your customer to stay active for the remaining billing cycle they’ve already paid for but cancel the account prior to the next bill cycle and be sent a final bill.

The green ‘+Add’ button brings up the ability to schedule a payment, add/remove/switch services or change the status of an account on a set date. Any of these actions can be set to occur only once, every month or annually. Scheduling a payment can be used to split up an install fee or other large amount over a few months. It’s also useful in tandem with setting a temporary grace period ensuring a customer’s payment gets automatically applied before the account is disconnected. Setting an account to change statuses can be handy for customers with vacation homes so they can preset when to turn on and off their service again or for advanced cancellations more than a billing cycle.

A better way to handle customers with second homes it to create a $5 per month ‘Service Hold’ service with a minuscule upload/download throttle allowing the equipment to stay live keeping its place on the access point and maintaining monitoring abilities.  The ‘Switch Services’ event type can then be used to turn effectively turn on and off the customers service by moving to and from this new limited service. Automatically switching services is also a great way to let a customer trial a higher level package, especially if you’re unsure about delivering the committed speed. Just add the upsold service now and then advise the customer to call back in two weeks to confirm they want to stay on the new service or it will automatically switch back to the original one. Then create a scheduled event to switch the service back. Just make sure to pay attention to the billing cycle and the proration check box to accomplish the desired billing.

By |2018-05-18T11:35:06-05:002018 May 18th|News|Comments Off on Scheduled Events

18.05.16 Release [Beta]

New Features

  • Twilio Dashboard – you can now send out SMS messages, view replies, and see metrics for your Twilio usage from the Twilio Dashboard in Reports.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with BMU status checks failing.
  • Saisei minute by minute graphs will now load correctly.
  • Customer usage report now only shows customers in the WebUser’s viewable customer groups.
By |2018-06-20T16:21:53-05:002018 May 16th|Changelog|Comments Off on 18.05.16 Release [Beta]

18.05.15 Release [Beta]

New Features

  • FCC Monthly Backups & Sticky Settings – the FCC report will now run and backup report data to Powercode. Additionally, you can now specify FCC report settings on a per-service basis that will automatically populate when generating an FCC 477 report.

Bug Fixes

  • Re-added missing ticket template selection to Tickets on the Customer Overview.
  • Fixed an issue with the complete map popup showing in the incorrect location when zooming.
  • Duplicate Network Sites no longer load in Mass Notification.
  • Fixed a case where some customers would not re-activate when making a full payment through the Customer Portal.
  • Customer usage graphs now load based on billing settings and not by month.
  • Service speeds are no longer inverted on the Service Items list.


  • Added filterable Ticket ID column to the Ticketing Dashboard.
  • Saisei will now automatically sync Powercode’s application list.
  • Added ability to manage subnets marked explicitly as ‘Internal’ in Powercode for Saisei.
By |2018-05-15T16:08:46-05:002018 May 15th|Changelog|Comments Off on 18.05.15 Release [Beta]

18.05.14 Release [Beta]

Bug Fixes

  • Addresses with long GPS coordinates will no longer fail to generate in the FCC 477 report.
  • Fixed adding phone numbers in the Add Customer Wizard.


  • Added configuration for sending SMS reminders for next-day jobs.
By |2018-05-15T15:04:14-05:002018 May 14th|Changelog|Comments Off on 18.05.14 Release [Beta]

18.05.10 Release [Beta]

System Changes

  • Saisei automatically groups speedtest applications in the speedtest group.
  • VoIP service quantities can no longer be changed.
  • Improved formatting of pasted text in Tickets.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed not being able to delete Radius accounts.
  • Remittence section on Invoices now show correct Multibrand address.
  • Hyperlinks now save correctly in system emails.
  • Fixed an issue where active time display was incorrect for users logged in for more than a day.
  • Fixed an issue where double-sided printing would not work.
  • VoIP services removed from a Customer Account will no longer cause their billing to fail.
  • VoIP CDR ratings will now calculate correctly even if the service is removed from a Customer Account.
  • Increased the threashold for the amount of Call Records that can be loaded into the Customer Overview.
  • VoIP will no longer bill for the wrong date when running manual billing for an individual customer.
  • Default International Rate for VoIP will now display correctly.
  • Fixed buttons not displaying properly when attempting to import international call rates from a CSV.
  • Prevented a case where you could initiate the bank import process twice.
  • Fixed reverted speeds on the Customer Overview services tab.


  • Added delinquent plan to Saisei.
  • Added CustomerID to status change webhooks.
  • Added dmz to CN Pilot devices for Option 66.
By |2018-05-11T11:04:22-05:002018 May 11th|Changelog|Comments Off on 18.05.10 Release [Beta]

18.05.03 Release [Beta]

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed state selection when using different countries in Multibranding.
  • Customer Portal custom css should now save correctly.
  • Users who fail to log in repeatedly will now be denied access.
  • Fixed a decimal rounding issue in the Transaction Log.
  • Call Logs now retain new line breaks when escalating to a ticket.


  • Added redirect to a 404 page if none is found.
  • Added subject and notes to the customer overview mini call logs.
  • Added Saisei minute-by-minute graphs.
  • Added flow-data tab for Saisei equipment.
  • Added vastly improved logging for Baicells integrations.
By |2018-05-03T14:42:22-05:002018 May 3rd|Changelog|Comments Off on 18.05.03 Release [Beta]
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