
Powercode Release 22.02.25 [STABLE]


  • Resolved an issue where billing would halt if not using IPPay as a payment processor due to a new function specific to them.
  • Resolved an issue when billing a small number of customers (less than 20) during the bill due day process in which the process to hold billing until the payments have completed was not occuring, which could result in some customers being charged twice with two separate transactions.
  • Changed the notification when making a manual payment to only show if the customer has pending transactions in the payment queue.

FCC 477

  • Correct the mapping of the upload/download fields when using advertised speeds.
  • Correct a bug when accessing the service speeds on plans when generating the deployment data.

Customer Search

  • Resolved issues while searching for a customer with a special character as well as while searching by the last name first.
By |2022-03-02T13:04:28-06:002022 February 25th|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 22.02.25 [STABLE]

Powercode Release 22.02.21 [STABLE]

FCC 477 Report

  • Added a button to trigger a FIPS update for all active and delinquent customers.  The update will run in the background and provide status updates via the system event log.  It is recommended to run this prior to generating a report if you are having trouble generating one.  A notification will appear in the top right corner that the process has begun.  Please clear your web browser cache prior to this. (ctrl + shift + r) To reload the page and clear your cache.
  • Updated the advertised upload/download speeds label on services to accurately represent the information the FCC is requesting.
  • Upload/download speeds greater than 10mbps will be rounded to a whole number for reporting per the FCC.


  • Resolved an issue where proration via the API would not trigger when set.
By |2022-02-21T16:11:21-06:002022 February 21st|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 22.02.21 [STABLE]

Powercode Release 22.02.17 [STABLE]


  • Set all failed payments in the payment queue to canceled status to account for recent billing changes. When a manual payment is made any failed payments will be canceled. This is the retroactive approach to account for that new process.
  • Resolved an issue where manual ACH payments would credit a second time during daily billing.
  • Updated billing process to spawn multiple payment processes to decrease the overall billing runtime.
  • Removed the “#” from cash payment’s description #2647


  • Added the select for the census year on the FCC 477 report. #2620
  • Resolved an issue that caused the Pre-Installs Without Installs report to not show any results. #2656

Navigation Menu

  • Added back the SAML/SSO navigation menu option.

Equipment Details

  • Updated the wording of the open-access list tab. #2648


  • Release BETA integration of openSRS.


  • Resolved an issue with authorization if on a version of 6.43.


  • Resolved an issue when downloading the minute-by-minute Saisei graph by upgrading Highcharts to better handle larger data sets. #2654


  • Resolved an issue where clicking edit on any shaping rule would result in the error message page. #2612

Mobile View

  • Resolved an issue where the mobile view was not filtering services that are not viewable to the web user. #2659

Customer Portal

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the customer security code from appearing on the customer portal when enabled.
By |2022-02-21T15:31:15-06:002022 February 10th|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 22.02.17 [STABLE]

Powercode Release 22.01.11 [BETA]


  • Improved customer search when searching by the customer’s last name first. #2521

Elevation Profile

  • Resolved an issue where the line of sight line would calculate based on meters instead of the unit used for the input. #2542


  • Added column search to the closed ticket report. #2445
  • Resolved an issue with the installer time sheets scrolling out of view. #2495
  • Limited the email event log to the last 1000 entries.

Customer Portal

  • Resolved an issue where settings were being set to a default value of on. #2527
  • Resolved an issue where the customer portal toggle would be incorrectly set requiring fields to be set for login. #2395
  • Added an option when changing the “Allow ACH/ECheck Addition” to set the option for all customers rather than just going forward.
  • Resolved an issue with the customer portal color setting. #2624


  • Added amount in cents to the customer portal call records.
  • Added additional call rate classifications (Special, Mobile, National).
  • Resolved issues with DID imports.
  • Resolved issues with adding call records via the API
  • Resolved issues with the unlimited toggles not saving properly. #2498
  • Resolved an issue where VoIP call record charges were being calculated when manually set.  Call records with a charge greater than zero will not be updated.
  • Resolved issues with the 477 report.


  • Resolved an issue that prevented removing the parent ticket from the child ticket. #2593


  • Resolved an issue when deleting a contract that has existing contracts signed. #2528

Customer Overview

  • Resolved an issue where the monthly total for services would be $NaN.
  • Resolved an issue where the customer group was not displaying. #2201
  • Resolved an issue where the delinquency date would display inaccurately. #2491
  • Add view all tickets to the tickets section on the customer overview. #2633


  • Resolved an issue where some customers weren’t having an invoice preference set. #2599
  • Resolved an issue where guarantee/guarantor accounts were using the incorrect tax setting. #1286
  • Resolved an issue where the custom reactivation fee setting wasn’t properly being set. #2594
  • Resolved an issue where credit cards would expire at the beginning of their expiration month rather than the first of the next month.  #1613
  • Resolved an issue where ACH charges on the bill due day were double crediting the account.
  • Resolved issues with autopay running immediately after billing or not at all. #2596
  • Resolved issues with some customers’ payments not being charged after being placed in the payment queue. #2554
    • When a manual payment is made any existing not successfully processed payments in the queue will be canceled.
  • Changed the credit card retry count label to be an attempt count to more accurately reflect its impact as well as prevent zero from being an option.


  • Changed the monthly megabytes field to automatically set to 99999999 when no value is given. #1450
  • Resolved an issue that prevented services from being added in the add customer wizard. #2368


  • Added a field to set an SMS signature to be added to each message. #2611


  • Resolved an issue with auto-assigning an IP when changing address ranges. #2587


  • Resolved an issue with the system event log where it would sometimes not log the web user that created the log event. #2166
  • Resolved an issue with setting a web user inactive without an email address. #2339
  • Resolved an issue with the equipment log not truncating and added an option for seven days.


  • Update to add a process to handle IPPay’s fraud detections system and check if the transaction has been resolved each night when billing runs.
By |2022-01-11T11:43:18-06:002022 January 11th|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 22.01.11 [BETA]

Powercode Release 21.10.27 [STABLE]


  • Changed the process to clear old payment queue entries to remove them after 28 days from 30.
    • Resolves issues with customers being charged both the old and new payment entry when there is a balance due on the account.


  • Resolved an issue with adding a phone record via the API.
  • Added an endpoint to get the customer and service ID by DID.

FCC 477

  • Resolved an issue that caused the monthly backups to be empty.
By |2022-01-11T10:47:21-06:002021 October 27th|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 21.10.27 [STABLE]

Powercode Release 21.09.28 [STABLE]


  • When automatic payment methods are set to manual, payment queue entries are marked as canceled. #2501
  • Resolved an issue that caused billing to halt during certain billing configurations.
  • Resolved issues where payment methods would result in incorrect status with certain billing configurations.
  • Resolved an issue where billing would run out of memory during large billing runs.


  • Resolved an issue with ticket logs displaying off the screen when lengthy. #2565

Customer Overview

  • Resolved a rounding issue where the services total cost. #2552

Parent Child

  • Resolved an issue with deleted equipment attempting to calculate the parent-child relationship. #2567

FCC 477

  • Resolved an issue with the CIR toggle not functioning properly.  #2568


  • Resolved an issue where tax zones with names greater than 32 characters get truncated resulting in duplicate tax zone names when generating the spreadsheets for the tax zones report. #2559
  • Resolved issues with the account sub-class report. #2572


  • Resolved an issue with setting the guarantor account on a customer via the API. #2449
  • Resolved an issue with setting the company on a customer via the API. #2448


  • Updated API calls to V2.

Send Mass Notifcation

  • Resolved an issue where the send mass notification email option was not populating certain lists #2474
By |2021-09-28T16:52:46-05:002021 September 28th|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 21.09.28 [STABLE]

Powercode Release 21.09.20 [STABLE]


  • Resolved an issue where if ACH was enabled cards that were set to charge on bill due day were charged correctly but the status in the payment queue was incorrect.


  • Resolved an issue with the date handler.
  • Resolved an issue with the black list not working properly.
By |2021-09-21T09:51:44-05:002021 September 21st|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 21.09.20 [STABLE]

Powercode Release 21.09.15 [STABLE]


  • Resolved an issue that prevented downloading the ACH batch file.

Support Email

  • Resolved an issue with the system pulling read emails into ticketing causing duplicates.


  • Resolved issues with not updating the RADIUS server correctly.


  • Added a field to put a custom message that will appear in the customer portal above the receive text messages option.
By |2021-09-16T16:10:42-05:002021 September 16th|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 21.09.15 [STABLE]

Powercode Release 21.09.07 [STABLE]


  • Resolved an issue where email tickets would parse incorrectly.
  • Resolved an issue with .wav files not attaching correctly. #2331


  • Resolved an issue when adding a customer via the API the country field would save incorrectly which caused the states field on the contact page to render incorrectly.
  • Update the create customer call to allow the company to be set via the ‘company’ field.


  • Resolved issues that prevented the Saisei minute by minute, application rate history, and total rate history graphs from loading on certain customers.
  • Resolved an issue where the whitelist was not synching.
  • Updated whitelist sync to add whitelisted subnets by the subnet rather than individual IPs.

Work Orders

  • Resolved an issue with work phone numbers not displaying on work orders.


  • Resolved an issue with the aged receivable report pulling the wrong dates.
  • Resolved an issue with the inventory status report not properly displaying.
  • Resolved an issue with the width of certain reports. #1523
  • Resolved an issue with the print invoice report PDF generating and being left on disk. #2539
  • Add the customer ID to the tax report.


  • Resolved an issue where a large number of custom fields would cause the form to overflow out of view when editing the inventory item.


  • Resolved issues with ACH processing during automatic billing. #2534 & #2529
  • Updated the payment excess to be calculated based on the account balance rather than the balance due.
  • Resolved a permission issue with a cron job that was set to clear out any stuck entries in the processing queue.
  • Updated the cron job to clear old payment queue entries to run at 01:15 AM from 11:45 PM.
  • Resolved an issue with importing bank payments.

Customer Portal

  • Resolved an issue with the date picker not displaying on the customer portal for the application usage.

Schedule Live View

  • Resolved an issue that prevented drive time from properly calculating.


  • Resolved an issue that prevented drive time from properly calculating.


  • Added fields to allow the customer account first and last name to be edited. #2515
  • Resolved an issue with the guarantor status applying to all the guarantee accounts. #2508
  • Resolved an issue where editing the contact password would log the encrypted password in the event log. #2384
  • Added more descriptive error messages when an error occurs saving the customer account. #2549


  • Errors with number formatting, etc. will be displayed on the Twilio Dashboard page /reports/twilioDashboard. #2358

PCI Compliance

  • Updated jQuery package to resolve compliance issues.

Add Customer

  • Resolved an issue where customers couldn’t be created without a physical address when the setting was configured to be not required. #2541

Network Site

  • Resolved an issue where jobs would duplicate in standby. #2526
  • Resolved an issue where the equipment status would appear incorrectly in the associated equipment table. #2545


  • Resolved an issue that prevented saving on Macs. #2366

Completed Jobs

  • Resolved an issue where the job template drop-down was getting cut off.

Payment Methods

  • Added a feature to allow users to remove old payment methods when from the add payment method form.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented Visa electron cards from displaying after being added.
  • Added support for Diners Club, JCB, and UnionPay.
By |2021-09-08T08:59:19-05:002021 September 7th|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 21.09.07 [STABLE]
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