
Release 17.08.02 [BETA]

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed customer portal data usage to show correct overage charges.
  • Fixed select dropdown for network site job on mobile view.
  • Fixed old schedule overrides not being cleaned up properly.
  • Fixed adding / updating schedule override logs.
  • Fixed various misc. errors with calendar synchronization.
  • Fixed a fringe case of taxes rounding for half decimals.
  • Fixed Edit Job button color.
  • Fixed order number errors with Track Your Truck.
  • Fixed job notes not saving from customer overview if it is not assigned to a web user.
  • Fixed creation date not being added for inventory items, consumables, and products.


  • Added export buttons to multi day schedule.
  • Added the ability to check in and out of Jobs on Schedule Live View.
  • Added all phone numbers to delinquent customer report.
  • Added welcome activation email for all customers that are activated.
  • Added the ability to chose which displayed statuses and time range customer portal tickets will display.
  • Added confirmation email to customers when submitting payments through the customer portal.
  • Added ability to check if username exists when adding a new customer, and if it does, link to their account.
  • Added ability to rename uploaded files and attachments for Network Sites and Customer Files.
By |2017-08-02T15:23:33-05:002017 August 2nd|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 17.08.02 [BETA]

Release 17.07.25 [STABLE]

This stable release is the first stable release since 17.06.21 and contains the following beta releases:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes Calendar Sync page not loading.
  • Fixed loading initial tool in tool tab on Equipment Details page.
  • Fixed issue trying to load vehicle tracking even if Track Your Truck was disabled.
  • Fixed dropdowns appearing above contract while viewing Completion Template contracts.
  • Fixed Completion Template contract’s height preventing contract from closing.
  • Fixed customer ticket always being set to urgent from customer overview.
  • Fixed Schedule Live View’s Stand By job order to sort by job creation date.
  • Fixes ticket status not updating when reassigning ticket to yourself.
  • Fixed issue saving job notes while job was in the workbench.
  • Fixed an error when generating invoices.
  • Fixed Custom Customer Alerts replacing title with alert color when submitting invalid inputs.


  • Added more verbose logging into the customer event logs while scheduling jobs.
  • Allowed searching by item attributes for inventory quick assign.
  • Reduced size of ticket relation padding (to increase visibility).
By |2017-07-25T12:00:52-05:002017 July 25th|Changelog, News|Comments Off on Release 17.07.25 [STABLE]

Reports Dashboard

Powercode has a lot of pre built reports and collected data to help you and your business. You can also export the data into a PDF or a CSV.

By |2017-07-20T10:39:42-05:002017 July 24th|News|Comments Off on Reports Dashboard

Completion Template

To standardize the data you collect for each job and allow technicians to upload photos as part of the job completion process.

By |2017-07-20T12:13:43-05:002017 July 20th|News|Comments Off on Completion Template

Track Your Truck Outage July 19, 2017

Track Your Truck, a third party that Powercode has integrated with for certain features, suffered an outage today.  Whether your company has enabled the Track Your Truck feature or not, your Powercode instance will be quite sluggish.

We have been told by Track Your Truck that they have switched to backup servers, but DNS propagation will take some time.

If you are having issues in the meantime, please call Powercode support and we will add a dummy DNS entry on your server to resolve the current issue.

On a slightly related note, we have fixed a bug in which if you aren’t using Track Your Truck, your server stops relying on Track Your Truck.  This change would limit Track Your Truck issues to only those using Track Your Truck in the future.

By |2017-07-19T16:30:49-05:002017 July 19th|News|Comments Off on Track Your Truck Outage July 19, 2017

Backup Settings

Powercode backups are vital to your system configurations. You always want to make sure to store them remotely just in case you have a hard drive or system failure.

By |2017-07-17T08:36:21-05:002017 July 17th|News|Comments Off on Backup Settings

Join Powercode On Slack!

Powercide & Slack

We’ve opened a new Powercode Slack community to connect with each other, have some fun, and foster the type of feedback our team needs to continue making Powercode great.  So if you are interested in joining us, send an email to asking for an invite.  Once you join, you’ll be connected to a few members of the Powercode staff as well as other Powercode users.

Again, shoot an email to Sajan ( for an invite.

By |2017-07-17T11:14:10-05:002017 July 17th|News|Comments Off on Join Powercode On Slack!

Release 17.07.17 [BETA]

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where editing equipment would sometimes delete associated equipment.
  • Fixed issue where deleting transactions would sometimes disassociate with the customer.
  • Fixed issue where tech groups could not see full permission group access levels.
  • Fixed issue that would cause inactive web users to show as selectable when assigning current inventory.
  • Fixed issue where calculated payment amounts would show incorrect decimal value.
  • Fixed issue where payment amounts would display a negative value if customer balance was not positive.
  • Fixed issue on Income by Address Range report that would allow the report to run without a selected address range.
  • Fixed unnecessary file being created during inventory stock level checks.
  • Fixed inventory status report to properly show assignee.
  • Fixed overpay popup to display based on amount due instead of balance.
  • Fixed associated link that was hard to read when ticket was active.
  • Fixed archived customers showing up when trying to enter payment for a specific Customer ID.
  • Fixed issue that would limit some equipment from being pushed to Procera.
  • Fixed job notes not formatting line breaks correctly.
  • Fixed an invalid character causing search to throw an error.


  • Added Customer ID to the Income by Address Range report.
  • Added export button to Equipment Logs and Network Site Logs.
  • Added validation when editing an account.
  • Added new checkbox to remove Customer Portal Access from customers.
  • Added alert message if disk usage is above 80%.
  • Added page size selector to ticket dashboard.
  • Added billing configuration option for overpaying alert.
  • Modified prior 12 month graph labels to better reflect 12 month historical usage.
By |2017-07-18T12:52:08-05:002017 July 17th|Changelog|1 Comment
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