

Check out this Powercode Feature: Custom alerts are used to create banners at the top of your customer pages. This tool is commonly used to keep CSRs in the know in regards to network outages and maintenance as well as sales promotions.

By |2017-06-16T09:10:47-05:002017 June 22nd|News|Comments Off on CUSTOM ALERTS

Release 17.06.21 [STABLE]

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with maps trying to generate before being loaded.
  • Fixed track your truck icon in Schedule Live View.
  • Fixed zoom and navigation on complete maps.
  • Fixed customer house showing on Complete Map and Elevation Profile Widget.
  • Fixed Elevation Profile line position marker.
  • Fixed various maps’ navigation overlay issues.
  • Fixed case where addresses would sometimes not geocode and throw an error in Schedule Live View.


  • Adds auto-formatting of MAC address on the equipment edit page.
  • Updates Scheduled Events trigger time to be more accurate.
By |2017-06-26T13:58:54-05:002017 June 21st|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 17.06.21 [STABLE]

Release 17.06.20 [STABLE]

System Changes

  • Updated Map API. You will notice very significant performance increases in complete maps, schedule live view maps, and map interactions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed formatting issue with Market Broadband export.
  • Fixed case where an incorrect email would sometimes show in tickets.


  • Added timestamp to service price overrides.
By |2017-06-26T13:59:02-05:002017 June 19th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 17.06.20 [STABLE]


Take a look at our new feature: The Network KML Export Tool, which gives you the ability to export your network sites and customers into a kml file.

By |2017-06-19T14:38:10-05:002017 June 19th|News|Comments Off on NETWORK KML EXPORT

Option 66 Release

Tomorrow morning we will be releasing Option 66 provisioning system into the BETA track.  By default we only support the Readynet routers and the cnPilot router.  Right now we are primed to very quickly (within days) implement support for other Option 66 capable devices.

We will be asking our BETA users to help us test normal equipment and inventory functionality, and let us know what device(s) they need supported so we can build the templates as fast as possible.

Please email directly for any information or requests relating to the Option 66 release tomorrow.

By |2017-06-07T16:03:55-05:002017 June 7th|News|1 Comment

Release 17.06.07 [STABLE]

Few more fixes and enhancements in this one.

New Features

  • MarketBroadband reports.  You can now export reports for MarketBroadband.  After entering in initial account information, you can pull Activation and Suppression lists to send to MarketBroadband.  Beta customers will receive the ability to automatically send it to MarketBroadband soon as well.
  • Export KML of your Powercode data.  We’ve taken the first steps in allowing you to export mappable data in Powercode out to a KML for your use with other software and data.  While there are many use cases for this, my favorite is using something like Google Earth to track new tower or site prospects, then export all failed installs out of Powercode, use Google Earth to overlay the two sets of data to make more informed decisions.  The use cases are many as we allow you to export current network sites, all customers, customers by status, and we’ll do more based on your requests.

Bug Fixes

  • New lines in some cases were breaking the customer notes section in the customer overview.  This is now fixed.
  • Portal speedtest page was breaking due to recent changes.
  • Dates on invoices will more reliably take into account certain timezones that were having issues.
  • Job Schedule and Complete emails were being sent out with blank data.  There were 2 offending circumstances that were reported to us, both are fixed.
  • Stopped Powercode from generating debit/credit tax line items of $0.00.
  • Fixed transaction descriptions being limited by character count or being cut off.
  • SurgeMail had an issue when using different domains on provisioning.  SurgeMail will now use the correct domain selected when provisioning for a customer.
  • Fixed custom items navigation link going to wrong destination.
  • Fixed issue where tickets would sometimes try to update the email even if one did not exist.


  • Telnet is now available as a protocol for equipment.  Links with telnet:// should then open your default client.
  • Added option to completely disable backups by Powercode.  This is great for users that run on VMs and take snapshots using their virtualization stack.
  • We now display pending one time charges and credits for pre-activation customers on the Services tab.
  • Invoices and debit/credits for ‘Pro Rated’ items will now be labeled as ‘Partial Month’ as that is a more universally understood term.
By |2017-06-19T15:35:29-05:002017 June 7th|Changelog, News|Comments Off on Release 17.06.07 [STABLE]

Release 17.05.22 [Stable]

This will potentially be the last stable release with minor bug fixes from the major 17.05.10 release.  If there are outstanding bugs that you are affected by, please contact support and there may be patch available.

The next release will be in the beta channel and will introduce the long awaited Option 66 templating and provisioning.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed error caused by loading a web user when none exists while downloading work orders.
  • Fixed call log showing incorrect date/time.
  • Fixed not being able to apply multiple taxes to a charge.
  • Fixed issue with Canopy Speed Updater queue overloading.


  • Removed deprecated “Download BMU Firmware” link in preparation for new BMU upgrade system.
  • Migrated old Inventory Item Logs to into new Inventory Item History.
  • Added check for automatically updating portal username when editing a contact.
  • Added “%%INSTALLTYPE%%” variable to “Installer – Install/Service Call Scheduled” system email.
  • Added pdf export button to “Summarized Daily Deposits” report.
  • Added expanding customer notes while hovered over and focused.
By |2017-06-26T16:36:07-05:002017 May 22nd|Changelog, News|Comments Off on Release 17.05.22 [Stable]

Updates To SSL For PCI

We have been working with a few customers and the PCI scanning companies that are used by payment gateways to make sure your billing server will pass scans.  The next update early next week will contain some changes to the Apache configuration and some other areas of the server to pass PCI scans.

The changes required for this will mean that older browsers, computers, and other devices that do not support the stronger ciphers and protocols required to pass the scan may stop working when trying to access Powercode.  We don’t anticipate this actually affecting any of our users, but a note just the same.

After the 17.05.23, if your PCI scan does not pass, please send us your entire PCI report as things are added and changed in the scanning process quite frequently.  Our test customers have been passing, and if you have not you’ll definitely notice the number of errors in the report decrease significantly and we will knock out the rest for you if you send us the latest report.  This is an area we will be staying on top of moving forward.

By |2017-05-19T05:40:39-05:002017 May 19th|News|Comments Off on Updates To SSL For PCI
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