
Job Completion Templates

Job Completion Templates are an excellent way to manage installation/repair quality, keep your technicians accountable and gain valuable insights and trends. These Completion Templates are associated to one or multiple Job Templates, see the Job Templates tutorial here and are displayed when a technician completes a job after checking in on the mobile view of Powercode. The results, which include the option to upload a picture, are stored on the customer account but can also be displayed per completion template type on a report. This report will allow you to see trends in install characteristics such as signal strength or wide open speed tests or whatever else you choose to capture.

Each Job Template needs both a succeed and fail Completion Template. A single Completion Template can be used for multiple Job Templates, this will be common for fail Completion Templates but most likely there will be different things that should be captured on the success Completion Template side. To create a Completion Template, from the global nav bar hover over “Install” and select “Completion Template” then “Add Template”. Give the template a name and then click the green plus circle. For each row provide a name to show on the form and then choose from text, number, image, file or select. That last option provides the ability for a drop down with set multiple choice inputs. Then choose whether the field must have an answer for the form to be submitted. Repeat for each piece of information you wish to collect.

The results of the Completion Template can be found on a customer account under the “Jobs” tab and then from the “Select an Action” drop-down “View Completion Data”.  To see trends or multiple results in one place navigate to “Reports” from the global nav bar and under the “Scheduling & Service Reports” select “Completed Jobs”.

By |2019-04-04T12:44:54-05:002019 April 4th|News|Comments Off on Job Completion Templates

Automatic Paper Invoice Fees

Powercode allows you to automatically assess a predefined fee for any customer who has their invoice preference set to ‘Paper’ or ‘Both’. It costs time and money to print, stuff and mail out invoices every month and there is an easy way to pass that burden on to the customer. If you would rather not do that work yourself, our third-party partner MailXtream will completely automate the process for you.

From ‘Config’ at the top navigation bar move to ‘Billing & Payments’ and select ‘Invoices’.  From there set the dollar amount you would like to be applied to an account for every month it has ‘Paper’ or ‘Both’ Selected for the invoice preference. Below is a video walkthrough.

By |2019-02-28T13:30:36-06:002019 February 28th|News|Comments Off on Automatic Paper Invoice Fees

Communicate with Powercode

They say communication is the key to a good relationship and we provide multiple mediums to communicate with us! A new link has been added to this site in the upper right hand corner aptly labeled ‘COMMUNICATE’ that displays the ways to interact with us.

Of course we can be called or emailed with the details from our Contact Us Page.

The Powercode Community Slack is a live message board populated by Powercode users and employees. This channel is the best resource for asking solving problems, asking questions or sharing new ideas. This private channel is highly active and a tremendous resource for any Powercode user.

Click here to signup or learn more!

Did you know that Powercode has a newsletter called The Bridge that covers any announcements of cool stuff we’re working on plus a highlight of something new to the software and another section on handy features that have been around for a while plus more!

You can sign up to receive The Bridge from our Subscription Management Center.

Also, catch up on what you missed in previous issues from our The Bridge Archive page.

Want to know as soon as there’s a new version of Powercode available and what exciting new features have been added? Then sign up to received email updates when we publish a new changelog in the Subscription Management Center

To stay up to date on all of our exciting news articles, like this one, sign up to receive an email whenever we publish a new post in our Subscription Management Center too!

And of course there’s always Facebook. Make sure to like our page HERE to stay connected.

For additional interaction there is a privately moderated Users Group on Facebook as well.

Finally if we have a YouTube channel at where we post all our videos and tutorials plus some other fun stuff every once in a while.

If you haven’t yet, we look forward to connecting with you!

By |2018-08-31T17:15:22-05:002018 August 31st|News|Comments Off on Communicate with Powercode

Custom Reports

Despite having 77 pre-built reports, dashboards and other business intelligence metrics already available in the ‘Reports’ tab, sometimes you just need more data. Luckily Powercode records nearly everything that happens in the system. So if you’ve ever caught yourself thinking “it would be great to see the data on this type of customer for this service with these characteristics” we can give that (or just about anything else you can think of) to you through our ‘Custom Reports’ feature.

From the “Add New Custom Report” button at the top of the Custom Reports’ header a MySQL query can be entered with the choice between a standard report or a report with an address range or date picker. Then anytime you or an employee need to access that data, just click on the report that was created.

You’re welcome to write your own reports in MySQL or you can call or email support and we are happy to build the report you need for you!

By |2018-08-24T19:21:49-05:002018 August 24th|News|Comments Off on Custom Reports
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