Yearly Archives: 2021

Powercode Release 21.10.27 [STABLE]


  • Changed the process to clear old payment queue entries to remove them after 28 days from 30.
    • Resolves issues with customers being charged both the old and new payment entry when there is a balance due on the account.


  • Resolved an issue with adding a phone record via the API.
  • Added an endpoint to get the customer and service ID by DID.

FCC 477

  • Resolved an issue that caused the monthly backups to be empty.
By |2022-01-11T10:47:21-06:002021 October 27th|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 21.10.27 [STABLE]

Powercode Release 21.09.28 [STABLE]


  • When automatic payment methods are set to manual, payment queue entries are marked as canceled. #2501
  • Resolved an issue that caused billing to halt during certain billing configurations.
  • Resolved issues where payment methods would result in incorrect status with certain billing configurations.
  • Resolved an issue where billing would run out of memory during large billing runs.


  • Resolved an issue with ticket logs displaying off the screen when lengthy. #2565

Customer Overview

  • Resolved a rounding issue where the services total cost. #2552

Parent Child

  • Resolved an issue with deleted equipment attempting to calculate the parent-child relationship. #2567

FCC 477

  • Resolved an issue with the CIR toggle not functioning properly.  #2568


  • Resolved an issue where tax zones with names greater than 32 characters get truncated resulting in duplicate tax zone names when generating the spreadsheets for the tax zones report. #2559
  • Resolved issues with the account sub-class report. #2572


  • Resolved an issue with setting the guarantor account on a customer via the API. #2449
  • Resolved an issue with setting the company on a customer via the API. #2448


  • Updated API calls to V2.

Send Mass Notifcation

  • Resolved an issue where the send mass notification email option was not populating certain lists #2474
By |2021-09-28T16:52:46-05:002021 September 28th|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 21.09.28 [STABLE]

Powercode Release 21.09.20 [STABLE]


  • Resolved an issue where if ACH was enabled cards that were set to charge on bill due day were charged correctly but the status in the payment queue was incorrect.


  • Resolved an issue with the date handler.
  • Resolved an issue with the black list not working properly.
By |2021-09-21T09:51:44-05:002021 September 21st|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 21.09.20 [STABLE]

Powercode Release 21.09.15 [STABLE]


  • Resolved an issue that prevented downloading the ACH batch file.

Support Email

  • Resolved an issue with the system pulling read emails into ticketing causing duplicates.


  • Resolved issues with not updating the RADIUS server correctly.


  • Added a field to put a custom message that will appear in the customer portal above the receive text messages option.
By |2021-09-16T16:10:42-05:002021 September 16th|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 21.09.15 [STABLE]

Powercode Release 21.09.07 [STABLE]


  • Resolved an issue where email tickets would parse incorrectly.
  • Resolved an issue with .wav files not attaching correctly. #2331


  • Resolved an issue when adding a customer via the API the country field would save incorrectly which caused the states field on the contact page to render incorrectly.
  • Update the create customer call to allow the company to be set via the ‘company’ field.


  • Resolved issues that prevented the Saisei minute by minute, application rate history, and total rate history graphs from loading on certain customers.
  • Resolved an issue where the whitelist was not synching.
  • Updated whitelist sync to add whitelisted subnets by the subnet rather than individual IPs.

Work Orders

  • Resolved an issue with work phone numbers not displaying on work orders.


  • Resolved an issue with the aged receivable report pulling the wrong dates.
  • Resolved an issue with the inventory status report not properly displaying.
  • Resolved an issue with the width of certain reports. #1523
  • Resolved an issue with the print invoice report PDF generating and being left on disk. #2539
  • Add the customer ID to the tax report.


  • Resolved an issue where a large number of custom fields would cause the form to overflow out of view when editing the inventory item.


  • Resolved issues with ACH processing during automatic billing. #2534 & #2529
  • Updated the payment excess to be calculated based on the account balance rather than the balance due.
  • Resolved a permission issue with a cron job that was set to clear out any stuck entries in the processing queue.
  • Updated the cron job to clear old payment queue entries to run at 01:15 AM from 11:45 PM.
  • Resolved an issue with importing bank payments.

Customer Portal

  • Resolved an issue with the date picker not displaying on the customer portal for the application usage.

Schedule Live View

  • Resolved an issue that prevented drive time from properly calculating.


  • Resolved an issue that prevented drive time from properly calculating.


  • Added fields to allow the customer account first and last name to be edited. #2515
  • Resolved an issue with the guarantor status applying to all the guarantee accounts. #2508
  • Resolved an issue where editing the contact password would log the encrypted password in the event log. #2384
  • Added more descriptive error messages when an error occurs saving the customer account. #2549


  • Errors with number formatting, etc. will be displayed on the Twilio Dashboard page /reports/twilioDashboard. #2358

PCI Compliance

  • Updated jQuery package to resolve compliance issues.

Add Customer

  • Resolved an issue where customers couldn’t be created without a physical address when the setting was configured to be not required. #2541

Network Site

  • Resolved an issue where jobs would duplicate in standby. #2526
  • Resolved an issue where the equipment status would appear incorrectly in the associated equipment table. #2545


  • Resolved an issue that prevented saving on Macs. #2366

Completed Jobs

  • Resolved an issue where the job template drop-down was getting cut off.

Payment Methods

  • Added a feature to allow users to remove old payment methods when from the add payment method form.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented Visa electron cards from displaying after being added.
  • Added support for Diners Club, JCB, and UnionPay.
By |2021-09-08T08:59:19-05:002021 September 7th|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 21.09.07 [STABLE]

Powercode Release 21.07.01 [STABLE]


  • Resolved an issue that caused payments to be skipped over during payment queue processing when certain billing configurations were applied.

Phone Numbers

  • Resolved an issue that prevented phone numbers from being deleted.

Job List

  • Resolved an issue where the jobs were not listed in order of start time.


  • Resolved an issue minute by minute graph would not load or timeout.

Security Questions

  • Added the functionality to add/edit security questions on an account.

Customer Portal

  • Resolved an issue that prevented users from updating their email.
By |2021-07-01T15:02:50-05:002021 July 1st|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 21.07.01 [STABLE]

Powercode Release 21.06.28 [STABLE]

Daily Billing

  • Resolved an issue where a function was missing a closing brace causing failure.
  • Resolved an issue where card payments wouldn’t process if the credit card retry count wasn’t greater than zero.
  • Resolved an issue where cards set to processed on the bill due day were not being processed.


  • Resolved an issue where credit card payments were failing due to spaces in the number.


  • Resolved an issue that prevented the Saisei graphs from appearing in the customer portal.

Installer Mobile View

  • Resolved an issue where the default status check wasn’t being set after selecting the device type in the installer mobile view.

Edit Equipment

  • Resolved an issue when editing equipment the device type defaults would overwrite selected options.

Job Templates

  • Resolved an issue where not checking the box to show status toggle would result in failure.
By |2021-06-28T15:11:20-05:002021 June 28th|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 21.06.28 [STABLE]

Powercode Release 21.05.17 [STABLE]

Initial Invoice

  • Resolved an issue where the initial invoice would not be generated until clicking on the link to view the document.

Add Payment Method

  • Resolved an issue where if a user didn’t have permission to add/edit a credit card and bank account the page would display as permission denied rather than show only the allowed option.

Edit Mikrotik BMU

  • Resolved an issue when editing a Mikrotik BMU the switch for DHCP would be improperly enabled.
By |2021-05-17T13:05:03-05:002021 May 17th|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 21.05.17 [STABLE]

Powercode Release 21.05.11 [BETA]

Make Payment

  • Resolved an issue when selecting the current balance or amount due when the amount $1000 or greater.

Daily Billing

  • Removed legacy payment logging which resulted in a customer being credited for twice the payment made.

Bulk Payment Entry

  • Resolved an issue where the description was not being saved with the payment entry.

Invoice Logo

  • Resolved an issue that was causing the company logo to be overwritten by the Powercode logo on upgrade.
By |2021-05-12T11:23:17-05:002021 May 12th|Changelog|Comments Off on Powercode Release 21.05.11 [BETA]
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