Address Ranges
- Updated address ranges to avoid a case where a BMU type mismatch would cause longer than expected load times when attempting to add or edit a new Address Range.
- Resolved a conflict with cvc validation that wouldn’t properly validate against some numbers.
- Updated eWay customer portal encryption methods to allow for customer portal card addition.
- The “Enable Automatic Payments” checkbox will now display even if you only had a CreditCard Gateway enabled.
- Updated a check with ach batch payments to resolve a case where the payment event wouldn’t trigger.
Customer Overview
- Custom fields will no longer flag as required when not being set.
- SMS button will now display if a contact other than the primary is opted in for SMS.
- Call logs on the overview tab now sort by created date as they do in the expanded view.
- Custom fields overview tab box won’t display unless you have a field set.
Service Areas
- Removed validation for Service Areas to allow all remote country and province combinations to be added.