Monthly Archives: May 2019

Release 19.05.21 [Beta]


  • End point updateEquipment will properly return the EquipmentID of an existing IP as originally expected.
  • End point updateCustomer now accepts ‘activation date’ (or 0) as billDay to set “Activation Day” as their Bill Day.
  • Contacts that are being updated will no longer re-hash passwords if they have not changed.


  • Updated the ACH Batch count in the System Event Log widget to display the correct amount of pending transactions (instead of displaying none at all).


  • You can no longer attempt to delete a contact if you don’t have the appropriate permissions. We won’t even pretend that it might work.

Customer Portal

  • Fixed an issue with Cvv validation that was preventing some customers from adding Credit Cards through the Customer Portal.

Custom Fields

  • Added default value option to custom fields on edit so that the default value does not reset.


  • System emails will now reference the correct MultiBrand Company when using the %%COMPANYNAME%% variable.


  • Resolved an incorrect link for transferring equipment.
  • Deleted inventory will no longer show as selectable in the equipment form.
  • Equipment Log csv export will now export all entries instead of only exporting the first 100 rows.


  • New “Whitelist” field when editing the Saisei BMU for pushing specific IPs or subnets to a whitelist plan in Saisei.


  • Updated schedule overrides so they don’t automatically increment end time on edit. Additionally, we disabled autofilling to avoid displaying the autofill box on top of the date select widget.


  • Updated core configuration to avoid some cases where gateway errors would occur.
  • Updated how we save file names to avoid cases where the file would not save to the correct location and could not be linked properly.


  • Removed some links that were trying to load a status change icon from the billing server in emails (now uses a universal character instead).
By |2019-05-23T15:44:22-05:002019 May 23rd|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.05.21 [Beta]

Release 19.05.10 [Beta]


  • Hosts that are unset in Saisei are now set into the default rate plan instead of the delinquent plan (by default).
  • Fixed several cases where Saisei customers would not be updated in Saisei.
  • Updated equipment parent selection to only update the parent if it is an exact match.
  • Updating infrastructure equipment will now properly update infrastructure leases as well.


  • MikroTik interface entries will now properly update when moving address ranges (to prevent orphaned data cases).


  • updateEquipment now returns the EquipmentID if it matches an existing piece of equipment.


  • Resolved a case where throughput graphs for probes wouldn’t load properly.
  • Fixed several issues with address range calculations that would prevent the range from being selected as expected.
  • Made automatically filtering address ranges an optional feature that can be enabled or disabled.


  • Resolved several issues that would prevent refunds from properly processing.

ACH Processing

  • Updated the way we process in-house ACH payments to resolve issues that were preventing the generation of ACH batches.
  • Fixed a bug that would disregard some ACH formatting settings.
  • Fixed an incorrect batch count display in the System Event Log widget.


  • Scheduled events will no longer prorate when scheduled for a Customer’s Billing Day (to prevent erroneous duplicate charges).
  • Resolved a case in which some legacy data would prevent Bank Payments from processing automatically as expected.
  • Updated CreditCard widget and adjusted it to correctly display the Customer name by default.
  • All CreditCard addition and modification logs will now consistently follow the same format.
  • BankAccount updates will no longer incorrectly be labeled as CreditCard updates.
  • Added in missing Customer Event Log when deleting a Payment Account.
  • Fixed various issues with the Add Customer Wizard Payment Account addition – you should now be able to fully add Payment Accounts when creating a new account (including the previously missing CVV field).


  • Payments Received report now lists all transactions even if the Payment Account used had been deleted (these will be denoted with a ‘Deleted’ entry in the report).
  • Editing a custom report will no longer occasionally close while selecting which inputs to modify.
  • Custom Reports will now save even if they don’t have a description.


  • Fixed a case where a service matching setting would prevent unique services from Ipifony from being billed in Powercode.


  • Powercode logo and beta branding have been added to the Navigation Bar.
  • Resolved a global issue that would prevent some Event Logs from properly reporting the user making the change.
By |2019-05-10T16:29:12-05:002019 May 10th|Changelog|Comments Off on Release 19.05.10 [Beta]
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