Despite having 77 pre-built reports, dashboards and other business intelligence metrics already available in the ‘Reports’ tab, sometimes you just need more data. Luckily Powercode records nearly everything that happens in the system. So if you’ve ever caught yourself thinking “it would be great to see the data on this type of customer for this service with these characteristics” we can give that (or just about anything else you can think of) to you through our ‘Custom Reports’ feature.

From the “Add New Custom Report” button at the top of the Custom Reports’ header a MySQL query can be entered with the choice between a standard report or a report with an address range or date picker. Then anytime you or an employee need to access that data, just click on the report that was created.
You’re welcome to write your own reports in MySQL or you can call or email support and we are happy to build the report you need for you!