Bug Fixes
- Billing address no longer fail to geolocate on the Account Edit page.
- Fixed a case where customer service quantities would fail to update.
- Automatic emails no longer list an incorrect status change.
- Removing all Service Custom Fields no longer throws an error.
- Fixed issue causing some backup settings not to save.
- Updated Feedback Form button to reset properly.
- BMU logs no longer cause the BMU Configuration Page to crash.
- Fixed an issue causing some tickets to not appear on the Parent Ticket selector.
- Fixed tax-zone requirement for non-customer accounts.
- MikroTik no longer submits probes twice to Slave BMUs.
- TowerCoverage no longer creates addresses with empty Countries.
- Changing your WebUser username while logged in no longer breaks permissions.
- Fixed Customer Custom Alerts from displaying duplicates on the Custom Alert overview.
- Fixed saving the default responsible user in Customer Portal settings.
- Saving device types no longer remove autoprovision options from device configuration settings.
- Customer sales person now saves correctly when none is set.
- Several fixes for Saisei equipment loading and device mirroring.
- Added more information to the Add / Update Service Webhook.
- Added MMS to Twilio.
- Added default Add Customer Wizard option for Invoice Preference.
- Added a “Return to Network Sites” button on the Individual Site Overview page.
- Added date range to the Tickets Opened and Closed report.
- Added ability to view all completed jobs without job template restriction.
- Added customer group restrictions to “Monthly” service types.
- Added ability to ping equipment through the MikroTik.
- Added partial search in MAC Address field while adding equipment to a customer.
- Added slave functionality to Saisei.
- Updated Customer Portal font size accessibility.
- User Profile on the Customer Portal now displays the username.
- Linked the entire row on customer tickets in the Customer Portal.
- Updated Navigation to load only once per page load.
- System Event Log ACH batch link now redirects to the ACH landing page instead of automatically batching payments.
- Removed extra advanced wireless tab from 2.4ghz equipment.