System Changes
- Late Fee – you can now specify a specific number of days after a bill is due to apply a Late Fee (X Days After Due).
- Customer Portal Balance – customer portal now warns when overpaying on the account balance instead of the amount due.
- Created new cnMaestro page for Access Point data.
- Created new cnMaestro page for Subscriber Module data.
- Redesigned the Add / Update Services page.
- Fixed description wrapping off-screen in the transaction log list.
- Fixed an issue where equipment that wasn’t rate limited would block anything else from being limited.
- Search now retains search results when a session expires through the Staff Portal.
- Fixed an issue with saving contact information, specifically passwords.
- Network Site files will now delete fully.
- Fixed an issue where changing a customer to archived status from a Scheduled Event would fail to fully archive the customer.
- Customers will now be redirected to a Success page when completing a payment in the Customer Portal.
- Fixed an issue where timestamps would generate incorrectly in the Customer Portal.
- Updated procera data types to prevent issues with syncing service data.
- Saisei assured and restricted settings now save properly.
- Fixed network sites View on Map link to function properly.
- Event logs for address changes no longer improperly label latitude as longitude.
- Device reboot button no longer shows if a cnMaestro device is in bad status.
- Fixed issues with loading correct census blocks for the FCC 477 report.
- CustomerID no longer opens transaction history in the Account Class report.