New Features
- NEW Customer Portal. Our revamped Customer Portal comes with bugfixes and many new features, including:
- Restyled new and sleek for a modern web. Fully responsive for easy customer access.
- Ability to add Ticket Attachments through the Customer Portal Ticketing system.
- Custom Styling – the ability to add Custom CSS styling to the customer portal.
- Ability to fully modify contact information via the Customer Portal.
- Guaranteed Account Usage Graphs added to the the portal.
- Reorganized Customer Portal Configuration page. Easily enable or disable what you want your customers to see!
- Service Areas – you can now specify which service areas you cover. Configure > System > Service Areas to now add which States / Countries you cover without having to see them all! Also allows support for international customers.
- Saisei BMU Integration – you can now integrate your Saisei BMU with Powercode.
Bug Fixes
- Added missing permissions to ticketing reports and the scheduling dashboard.
- Fixed wrapping of mass notification in Edge.
- Updated contact breadcrumb view to point to the Customer Account rather than the Primary Contact.
- Fixed adding a service dropdown from wrapping outside of container.
- Fixed styling of lists in modals.
- Fixed call records showing up if the customer is guarantored.
- Updated guarantor submission to work properly in Safari.
- Fixed some Email variables not being replaced properly.
- System totals widget now properly checks for permissions.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn’t add more than 1 monthly service as a Scheduled Event.
- Custom Reports now show Ticket blank spaces correctly.
- Fixed an error being thrown when checking for SurgeMail email server status.
- Customers with custom statuses now activate properly.
- Scheduled Job reminder now checks the configuration correctly before being triggered.
- Fixed customer tags group selection on Mass SMS from causing them to fail.
- Changed quantity validation for one-time charges to properly validate numbers less than 1.
- Fixed an issue where changing the system header would check for an unrelated permission.
- Portal password resets will no longer fail to submit due to an incorrect security token.
- Updated duplex color option to push correct value to MailXStream.
- Fixed an issue where jobs with large amounts of completion fields would fail to complete.
- Saving contacts on mobile no longer removes their customer portal access.
- Added Auto Activation requires full payment config check to customer portal payments.
- Added source code editor into Powercode.
- Added job notes to completion data on the Customer Overview.
- Added WebHook for Twilio replies.
- Added port to associated equipment on the Network Site Overview.
- Added ACH option to set the effective date for ACH Batch Exports.
- Added ability to set the CustomerID of a New Account when adding through the API, given the ID is not already taken.
- Added ability to delete a contact while editing a contact.
- Added id, up speed, down speed to the services tab on the Customer Overview.
- Added up speed, down speed to the services list.
- Added the ability to perform actions on mirrored BMU address ranges.
- Added device type to equipment tables on the Overview and Equipment tab.
- Editing Delinquency Shut Off Days now records to the System Event Log.
- Individual Network Site overview now matches equipment details.
- Reverted Bank Name label to Name to avoid confusion.
- Removed unused dhcp dns3 input field.
- Send Email text editor bar no longer wraps.
- Submit button made default action for all Powercode forms.
- Updated various forms to ensure Submit/Save is default action.
- Updated default days for multi-day schedule to be the next 8 calendar days.