System Changes

  • Complete Map Performance Enhancements – The complete map page load is now extremely faster.
  • Favicon – The favicon has been upgraded. If you had any custom favicons, you can retrieve your old favicons from your /tmp directory.
  • Graphical Upgrades – The whole system has been updated graphically. Everything is a much more modern design. There is now a light theme and a dark theme.
  • Mysql Performance Enhancements – Performance enhancements have been added to “my.cnf”. This will take care of any performance issues related to mysqld.
  • Password Security Update – We have updated to never use mysql old passwords. If you have not updated your password since the v9 migration, please change your password prior to the upgrade or you will be locked out until an administrator resets your password.
  • User Interface Upgrades – Some of the pages that were previously harder to use were modified to be much easier.

New Features

  • Appearance Configuration – You now have more configuration options regarding appearance. You can visit appearance options in Config -> System Configuration -> Appearance
  • Automatic Email HTML – You can now use HTML in Automatic Email Templates.
  • Customer Portal Duplicate Detection Customization – You can now specify which fields you would like to use to validate against to show duplicates.
  • Customer Portal Total Usage – Added the option to show Total Data Usage on the Customer Portal.
  • Customer Portal Total Usage Toggle – You can now turn off the Customer Portal Total Usage.
  • ePMP Auto Parent Child – We have now added ePMP Auto Parent Child support.
  • Equipment Transfer – Equipment can now be transferred to other customers.
  • FCC Form 477 Auto Plan Type – FCC Forms automatically toggle plans Business or Residential based on name.
  • Installer Schedule Override Edit – You can now edit Installer Overrides.
  • Modular Dashboard – Your new home has be engineered to be modular. You can now customize it to be optimal for you.
  • Signature Forgot Password – There is now a forgot password link on the signature page.
  • Summarized Daily Deposits – The Summarized Daily Deposits Report has been completely redone to show 1 month of information at a time as well as graph the data provided.
  • Theme – After a great overhaul to modernize the look and feel of Powercode, you now have a light and dark theme to pick from in your account settings.
  • Ticket Attachment Deletion – Ticket Attachments can now be deleted.
  • View Resolved Tickets – After much optimization of displaying large number of tickets, resolved tickets directly in the tickets menu are back!

Bug Fixes

  • CDR Importing – Fixed cases where certain characters would cause the CDR Import to not function properly.
  • Customer Files Tab – Customers with 5 more images now display the images in a more elegant table.
  • Customer Portal Data Usage – In some cases, customer portal data usage could be shown as 1 day behind. This is now fixed.
  • Installer Miles – Installer total miles are now accurate to the date range.
  • Procera Parent Child – The Procera now includes more parent child relations. The query has also been optimized to utilize less CPU.
  • Radius IP Attribute – Radius Server IP Attribute has been fixed from sending the proper ip address.
  • Sales Web User – When a Web User doesn’t have their full name set, it will show their username rather than nothing at all.
  • Ticket Summary Filtering – Ticket Summary Filtering has been fixed.
  • Ticketing Strange Characters – Ticketing MySQL table encoding has been changed to UTF-8