Tier 0

Powercode Billing Server

[Equipment and Billing Basic Functionality ]

A Powercode Billing Server is the heart of your Powercode installation. It runs your Employee and Customer Web Portals, contains your database and reaches out to any other pieces you choose to integrate with your Powercode installation. If you do not have a Powercode Billing Server installed please reach out to our team for assistance!

Tier 1

BBB Meeting

[Equipment and Billing Basic Functionality ]

Please schedule a meeting to configure your Billing, BMU and Backups. Prior to this meeting please give thought to this desired billing behavior and have a location for us to push remote backups to.

Then schedule the meeting here!

Establish Merchant Server

[Billing Basic Functionality]

To use Powercode’s payment features you will need to create a relationship with one of our two preferred providers:

– or –

Propay Logo

Tier 3

Usage training sections should offer redundant video and written documentation.  Some sections currently have only one or the other:

  • needs writeup
  • * needs video